chapter -9

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"so ask me anything, I'll be completely open with you"theo said

" what's your favourite food?"sophia asked

"I like Italian, pasta, especially gelato and cannolis.....I'd love to take you to Italy, we have a holiday home there near a beach."theo answered

"That sounds amazing, I'd love to go with you "she exclaimed excitedly

"Are you a morning or night person?"she asked another question

"Umm...well, the castle pretty much shuts down after dark, but I'm a total night owl....some nights i just stay up and look out my windows at the stars....or I'll hang out with Mathilde. She likes staying up late too."he informed.

"You're a sweet guy, theo"she complimented

"What's your relationship like with your sister?"she asked another question

"There's only two years between Mathilde and I, we're always been very close....i think , it's always been hard for us to make friends with others,they never really understood what our lives were like....but Mathilde understands me, she even knows that more responsibility and pressure is put on me.... she's always supportive, always someone I can talk to who never judges....I love her, she's my best friend."he expressed.

"She's so awesome, it's great you two have such a wonderful relationship"she complimented.

"I told her about you...after our night together....she was really excited about the prospect of you coming here."he shared further.

"That makes sense why she was so ready to help me when I first arrived."just like this they both sat there taking about their life, other's life , their dream, their expectations, and everything.As the day was getting brighter, their knowledge about each other was getting deeper. The talking session was like therapy for both of them .they both were living a moment they never expected of.

"Thanks for wanting to get to know me, sophia, no one ever has before like you are right now....I just love talking to you."he expressed his emotions intensly

"Btw I brought dessert.... they're french macrons..."he said and take out the macrons from the basket and gave it to sophia.

"he said and take out the macrons from the basket and gave it to sophia

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"They taste amazing!...."she complimented while taking a bite.

"Really? That means something, coming from an expert."theodred said and leans in, wrapping a strong arm around her waist as he brings his lips close to hers.

"Could I have a taste, sophia?"he whispered intensly.

"A taste of what?"she asked confusinglyy

"A taste of everything...."he answered and a blush ran over her cheek.

"Open your mouth."she ordered and feed him the macrons.

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