Chapter 25

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"We need a plan. I don't think going in with guns blazing is the answer." I said.

"What is 'guns blazing'?" Asked the General, confused.

"A type of weapon we don't have. But my point is I don't think we should just wing it."

The others were still looking confused, but the General soon brought everyone back to the situation at hand. "They will be in their two-legged form as we are not yet at the full moon. However we are only days away now so their temperaments will likely be naturally aggressive. We must not hesitate; go straight for the kill." 

The thought of killing more people made my insides turn, but hesitation would likely get me or our team killed. I couldn't think of a peaceful solution, but I wasn't happy killing a whole pack of Werewolves. "What would happen if we took out their alpha? To the rest of the pack I mean. Is it like cutting the head off the snake." The Snake Shifter hissed. Oops. "No offence."

"In my experience the Alpha will likely be the first into the fray, but she will have the extra power of her bonded pack, so will not be taken down easily." Said one of the other Vampires. I wondered what experience he'd had. "Besides, she will have her packmates protecting her."

"But if we could?" I asked.

"There would be a momentary lapse in power flow to the rest of the pack and they would be disorientated for a short time."

"Well that would be an advantage don't you think?" I suggested, turning to the General. He was already nodding his head. I scanned the others who looked to be in agreement. My eyes caught on the elf. "Can you subdue them?"

"Not all at once. I don't have enough power for a full pack." He explained. I wished I knew how it worked; that would definitely be a handy skill to have. "But I could perhaps calm them so they're not so aggressive."

"That would be good. Does anyone else have skills we can use?" I didn't know enough about their species' abilities.

"I doubt there will be water in there for me to use so I'm not sure I'll be able to do anything but fight." The Water Elemental sounded apologetic.

"I can create water for you." I offered.

He smiled. "Then I shall have a few skills I can share." I elbowed him gently and grinned.

"We can shift obviously." Said the tiger. I remembered back to him padding in his cage - definitely scary. I looked at the snake who had a glint in her slitted eyes. I was pretty sure she was going to be enjoying this fight. I tried not to shudder.

"We're fast, strong, and have a nasty bite." Grinned one of the Vamps showing his pointed teeth as if to reiterate that fact. Edmond crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. I got the impression he wasn't overly keen on the other two members of his species that were with us. I understood.

"I am a warrior by birth. Even without my sword I am formidable." The General wasn't boasting, he was simply stating facts, and looking at him I didn't doubt him. He looked every part the warrior from head to toe, and the scaled leather clothing didn't hurt. He almost looked like a part of a dragon. 

"You can create fire?" I asked, remembering he had scolded the guard and turned him to ash.

"I can." He nodded. That was good, I wouldn't need to do that for him then. 

"What about you?" Asked one of the Vamps eyeing me.

What about me? Good question. I had learnt to manipulate vibrational energy and create the four elements. Could I use that somehow? I concentrated on the air that surrounded us and began whipping it around us as if a breeze had picked up. I could perhaps use the elements as weapons. I liked that idea. Mother Nature was a force to be reckoned with. I looked down at my hands watching them glow and smiled. "I have a few tricks up my sleeve." 

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