Chapter 23

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I slowly came to, feeling groggy. My head hurts. Scratch that. My whole body hurts. I felt like I had run a marathon. Twice. It was too bright. I closed my eyes again and took stock of my magic. It took me a moment. Wow, I'm really wiped out. I concentrated. Why was it so bright? I opened my eyes again. Wait, it's not that bright in here. Then where was that coming from? I shook my head needing to clear the last of the cobwebs from my mind. Then I felt inside for my magic and gasped. Well that's new. I grinned and sat up.

"She's awake." My head snapped to the bars. Across from me in the opposite cell the young fairy stood watching me. "Are you OK?" She asked in a small voice.

I stood carefully still feeling a little dizzy and approached the bars. I almost put my hands on them before I remembered the energy that had zapped me last time. "Hi." I smiled at her; she looked way too young to be in a place like this. "I'm fine, thank you. What's your name?" She stepped back and looked away.

"You can't ask Fae that." A voice said from farther along the corridor. I hadn't realised there were more prisoners in here than I had already seen, although I shouldn't have been surprised.

"I can't? I'm sorry. I meant no offence." I smiled apologetically at the fairy. I wondered why I couldn't ask her name but didn't push it. There was still so much I didn't know about this new realm. "Can I tell her mine?" I asked down the corridor.

"Up to you." He grumbled back.

"My name's..." Hmm "Honey." I smiled, hoping she hadn't noticed the slight pause.

She tilted her head to the side and looked confused for a second. "No it's not. But that's OK, I understand." She shrugged. Oops. She'd caught me in a lie, this wasn't a good start. I smiled apologetically again.

"So, Honey. What was with the bright light the other night?" Asked the same gruff voice.

The other night? "How long have I been here?" I asked, almost terrified of the answer.

"We've had three sleep periods since your little light show."

"What?!" I couldn't believe it. That put today at... "Saturday? How can it be Saturday already?" I sat back down on the bed and laid my head back against the wall. I'd been missing for nearly a whole week.

"Which Saturday?" Chuckled the voice dryly. "So come on, what was with that light?"

"Umm." How did I even begin to answer that? "Honestly? I'm not entirely sure. I'm still processing."

"She telling the truth, Fae?"

I looked at the fairy across from me. Was she some kind of natural lie detector? "Yes. She speaks the truth."

"Well you better process quickly because Ansuradon is going to want to find out what makes you tick soon enough." He warned. I didn't doubt his words.

I nodded my head and sat up straighter. I needed to figure this out. I closed my eyes and searched inside myself. The well that I had always used to draw magic in was full. It was so full it was almost spilling out. I hadn't filled it by drawing energy into myself this time though. No. I could sense myself all over my magic; this was me.

It felt just like my favourite season, my favourite time of day, and my favourite elements of nature had joined within me. It reminded me of the first green shoots emerging from the soil, a dew drop glistening with the first rays of sunshine, the birds singing their sweet morning song heralding the new day. It felt new. It felt joyous. It felt like Spring itself had blossomed within me. And it felt as natural as breathing. I let some of the magic out, revelling in my newfound ability. The morning sun warmed my skin and I smelled the scent of fresh morning dew in the air. I could feel the soft petals of cherry blossoms floating around me and hear the sounds of animals and birds building their homes. Life surrounded me, winding its way through me. I had never felt so alive and at one with the world. I opened my eyes, smiling at how relaxed and rejuvenated I felt. I finally had my powers. I finally felt like The Maiden everyone had told me I was. And I finally felt able to take on the likes of Ansuradon. Well, I think I did anyway.

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