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Ryota is wiping his eyes as he walks through the hallways with Kenji, he kind of just slept till Kenji woke him up, Ryota is still pretty tired

"Sleep well?" asked Kenji

"No" answered Ryota "I am sleeping when this is all over"

"You never told me why you went home at 1 in the morning" said Kenji

"I don't want to talk about it" said Ryota "Let's say I had work to do"

"You got me all worried sick" said Kenji "Tell me next time, and don't tell me last minute again!"

"No one told you to wait for me!" said Ryota

"It's my job!" said Kenji "Of course I waited for you"

"Good thing I spotted you" said Ryota "If I didn't, then you would've gone home at 1 as well"

"I'm very dedicated to my job" Ryota sighs, there's no arguing with him "Well, I figured you had something to do with the disappearance of the balloon hearts everywhere"

"Don't tell anyone" said Ryota "It's a part of a plan"

"You know, I wonder why there's so many hearts" said Kenji "I feel like there's a lot of heart object in the festival"

Ryota stares at Kenji dumbfounded "You mean, you didn't know?"

"Know what?"

"It came from a story" said Ryota "To make a long story short, a young man gives a princess his heart, and now if you give someone a heart shaped objects, you will be granted eternal love with the said person. Well, pretty sure that's not true. But giving someone a heart is basically confessing"

Kenji was not expecting that "So wait... If you give someone a heart, it's the same as confessing" Hey, it's about time he figured it out

"Yeah" Ryota noticed Kenji's worried expression, he begins connecting the dot "Don't tell me"

"I might have given someone a heart..." said Kenji

Ryota looks at Kenji, kind of disappointed "Oh Kenji..."

"I didn't know!" said a worried Kenji

"Oh okay, okay. Calm down" said Ryota "Right now, there's a girl with the hope that you two will date"

"Yeah... Right..." said Kenji "The thing is... I didn't give it to a girl"

"You gave it to a guy?" Kenji just nods "...Didn't know you swing that way"

"Oh shut up" said Kenji "I didn't know! I just wanted to give him a cool gift..."

Ryota sighs "Good thing Fujiwara is distracted I guess... As for you! You need to talk to him and say that this is all a big misunderstanding!"

"Alright, I'll text him" said Kenji, he reach for his phone, but Ryota stops him

"No!" shout Ryota "You don't just text him, you have to talk to him!"

"Why not?"

"Just trust me" said Ryota "It'll lead to worse circumstances, talk to him and get this misunderstanding cleared up!"

"Alright, fine..." said Kenji "I'll talk to him"

"That reminds me" said Ryota "I got to hang out with my girlfriend! Catch you later" With that, Ryota leaves Kenji to hang out with Hayasaka, they made plans to go out with each other at the last day of the festival.

Ryota soon meet up with Hayasaka "Oh, didn't think you'd remembered"

"Don't think so little of me..." said Ryota "I didn't forget..."

Playing Matchmaker (Ai Hayasaka X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now