Ryota's Feelings

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Ryota is laying down on his bed, thinking about stuff... Ryota, son of a multibillionaire father, of course he never seen his father, he's always so busy. So, he never had that father figure in his life, since his mother died, the closest thing he could call family, is Kenji (Platonically...)

But enough about all that, he's currently in love, if that isn't obvious... He's mentally prepared to confess, question is.... How do you confess? He doesn't know how, what if he messed up?

Kenji is seen reading a book while sitting down on Ryota's bed "Hey Kenji... How do you confess to someone?"

Kenji looks up from his book and look at Ryota "Just say you love her..."

"It's that easy?" Said Ryota confused

"That's... How you confess..." Said Kenji "You don't have to think about it..."

"It can't be that easy..." Said Ryota

Kenji sighed, he closes his book and put it on the bed "I don't know what to tell you... It's that easy"

Ryota sits up and looks at Kenji "What if I messed up?"

"You won't" Said Kenji

"How would you know that?" Said Ryota

"Because I know you" Said Kenji "Even if you messed up, she'll say yes"

"You don't know that" Said Ryota "How would you know that?"

"Not important" Said Kenji "What's important is that you need to get your head straight"

"I am getting my head straight!" Said Ryota "I just... Need advice on how to confess to someone"

"If you need advice on how to confess" Said Kenji "Then why ask me?"

"I don't know anyone else..." Said Ryota looking away in embarrassment

"What about Shirogane? Isn't he your friend?" Said Kenji

"I was thinking of asking him..." Said Ryota "Until I remembered how bad he was at giving advice..."

"Well... Have you thought about getting advice from a couple..." Said Kenji

"Which couple am I supposed to ask?" Said Ryota, it was silent for a bit until Ryota remembered something "No wait, I know one..."


"What do you need?" Said Tsubasa

They are in the student council, by they I mean Ryota, Tsubasa, and Nagisa. They are all sitting on the couch, with Ryota being on opposite side of Tsubasa and Nagisa, Tsubasa and Nagisa have been dating for a few months now. Tsubasa have gotten a terrible advice from Miyuki, which somehow worked...

"I'm not sure how long we have here..." Said Ryota "So let's get to the point... I need your advice on something..."

"Advice?" Said Nagisa, she tilt her head in confusion "On what?"

"I want to confess to a girl...." Said Ryota quietly, Tsubasa and Nagisa couldn't hear what Ryota said

"What did you say?" Said Nagisa "We couldn't hear you"

Ryota look down "I want to confess to a girl!" He said more louder

It was silent... Until "What?" Said Tsubasa and Nagisa shocked and surprised

"I want to confess to a girl!" Said Ryota "I need some advice!"

Silent some more... Until Tsubasa speak up "Couldn't you ask president or something..."

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