Chapter Three: A Strange Voice

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Inside her bedroom, there are a few pieces of clothing in a basket by the door, several hand painted murals taped to the walls, a stack of books neatly placed on a bookshelf next to her bed, and a small, white desk, which has many paint, pencil, and pen markings on the surface.

Blue was sleeping in her bed, which was a twin that was generously donated by an old resident who used to live in their village until her death. She doesn't have many blankets, but she does have one big one made of fleece that she got from her mother; her and her siblings all have one that matches their flame color.

She was so excited about starting school on Monday; she could hardly sleep. Today was Saturday, so she had to wait two whole days until she could finally get a taste of what being a teenager is really like.

Ever since their mother was killed by the government, the quadruplets have lived in villages, hiding themselves away from society. They've had to move several times due to the other twins (mostly White, since he goes out almost every day to heal injured people) getting caught using their powers. They've lived in 4 other villages before moving to this one, in which Blue warned them to be extra careful, as she didn't want to move around anymore. And, for about two and a half years, all was fine. Well... It was until Blue was awoken by someone calling her name.

"Blue." The voice called out.

It sounded far away, but at the same time close by. It was strange, but Blue tried to ignore it and go back to sleep.

"Blue. It's your mother..." The voice, now identified as their mother, said.

Blues eyes immediately opened. Her mother? But she was killed. What's going on?

This is just a dream... I'm dreaming... I'll wake up, soon... Please wake up... Please wake up... Blue thought, lightly slapping both sides of her cheeks to "wake" her up.

"Blue." Their mother continued. "I'm in the kitchen."

Blue was still unsure of what was going on, as she had just woken up. So, she went along with it and got out of bed, heading for the kitchen.

"Mom?" Blue felt stupid, as she clearly knows that her mother had passed. "Where are you?"

Just then, the voice called out again. "I'm right here. Turn to your left."

Her left? But there's nothing except for a counter, microwave, sink, and... Wait, the sink! That's right, she controls water! But that wouldn't cause her to also be able to communicate to the dead. I mean, it hasn't happened before, so why would it start now?

Curious, she walked to the sink and looked down the drain. Nothing. Then a thought came into her mind. She grabbed a cup from a rack next to the fridge and poured some water into it, filling it halfway. She placed the cup of water on the dining room table and sat down in the chair next to it. She leaned in close and waited.

And just as she had hoped, the voice came again, this time much clearer sounding. "Blue." Their mother started. "You've grown so much! You're not my little girl no more; you're my big girl!"

Blue shyly brushed some of her hair behind her ear as she looked down at the ground. "I'm fourteen, mom."

"Fourteen?" Their mother continued. "I can't believe how old you've gotten. The last time I saw you was when I had to leave because I was getting tracked down by the government."

Blue sat there as vivid and gruesome flashbacks of that day come back to her all at once.

"It was also the day Oregon had their biggest tsunami ever recorded." Blue starts tearing up. "It killed over four hundred innocent people and injured over a thousand others.

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