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"WAKE MY BABIES, ITS CHRISTMAS!" Mama Miranda yelled from the living room. "This gotta be a joke." I said with my eyes still closed. "Unfortunately it's not." Mimi said besides me, I felt her body get up. "She need to go back to sleep." Jade mumbled. "DON'T MAKE ME COME GET Y'ALL." We all slowly got out the bed.

"We coming ma, we bout to brush our teeth!" Mimi yelled down the hallway. "I heard you on the phone last night and it didn't sound like Tig." Jade smirked at me as we brushed our teeth. "Mhm hm was that Marcus?" Mimi chimed in. "No it was Glock." I blushed a little. "Oou y'all was caked up for a lil minute pooh." Jade smiled making a funny face.

"Whateverrrr." I playfully rolled my eyes and walked out the bathroom. We walked to the living room and all four of our parents were standing in the living room. "Good morning my sleeping beauties." Mama Jackie, Jade's mom smiled at us as we walked over to her to hug her. We said good morning and merry Christmas then got down to business.

       "Okay everybody grab the gifts you got for everybody so you can pass them out." Papa Jerome said. Everybody grabbed their gifts. Mama Miranda went on YouTube and joined the church's livestream. "I wanna go first!" I said excitedly. "Go ahead." Papa Jerome chuckled. I passed out the gifts to our parents first then I gave Mimi and Jade their gifts.

       "Ou twooo." Mimi cooed. Jade started shaking the boxes up and down to try and figure out what they are. "Okay open em." I stood and smiled as they ripped the wrapping paper off the boxes. "KYHA!" Mimi looked at me with wide eyes and a smile big as Texas on her face as she looked at her shoes. Jade laid on the floor and started hitting the cry baby. "I'm so happy the lord blessed me with a rich sister!"

"Baby girl these are nice." Jade's dad papa Jermaine said examining his sunglasses. "I had my eyes on these, how I look?" Mama Jackie started modeling. "You that girl momma!" Mimi hyped her up. We just finished opening all the gifts. Mama Miranda got all of us a heart tag bead bracelet from Tiffany & Co with our initials engraved in it. Papa Jerome got us pink all over slippers from Versace.

Mama Jackie and Papa Jermaine put their money together and got all of us a pink Versace robe. Mimi got me the blushy beige woody flat mule sandals from Chloé and Jade got me the medium blushy beige woody tote bag to match. I was so in love with my gifts! "Well who's Chanel bags?" Mama Miranda looked at us. "Oh mine from my boyfriend." I blushed.

"Well let us seeee." Mama Jackie said while poking me. I grabbed the bags and started pulling all the boxes out. I opened all the boxes and pulled the continents out so they can see them. "Oh wow." Mama Miranda tilted her head to the side. "He doing way better than me." Mama Jackie added. "Oh nah momma he do fraud and stuff you good." Jade reassured her.

       "Nobody asked you all that!" I snapped my head in her direction and said. "Talk too damn much." Mimi mumbled. "Go do something productive while we finish cooking please." Mama Jackie dismissed us. We quickly gathered our gifts and ran to Mimi's room before they could change their minds. We put our stuff away and got back in bed. Mimi grabbed the remote and turned the tv on.

      KD started FaceTiming me as I scrolled through Instagram watching people record their kids open gifts. "Good morning brother, merry Christmas." I smiled in the camera. "Merry Christmas sis, Khloe wanted to show you what Santa got her." He smiled and propped the phone up. "Hi auntie! Merry Christmas." "Hi baby, merry Christmas to you too." I chuckled at her big, goofy smile.

       "Look what Santa got me!" She picked the phone up and flipped the camera showing me all the toys and the IPad she got. "Oouu you were on the nice list this year Khlo! Santa did a good job." I smiled at KD. "Santa brought stuff for you and daddy at my house so when y'all get back make sure y'all come get it."

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