Welcome to Villains' world Prologue 8; First Day at School🏰

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The sun rise up from the bedroom's window dorm as Amy and Grim are still sleeping in the bed, until three familiar ghosts appear on top of them.

Ghost A👻; "Hee hee hee... aren't the two of you supposed to be off cleaning the school today?"

Grim groans as he hug Amy's arm.

"Mmmmm... nngh... five more minutes, ma..." said Grim.

Ghost B👻; "Go ahead, sleep the day away, and you might not eeever hafta wake up again"
Ghost C👻; "Just like us! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"

Grim open his eyes until he saw them.

"Myah?! The ghosts are back! Hey, Amy, up and at 'em!" said Grim waking Amy up.

💮Moment later of battle💮

Ghost A👻; "So I hear you'll be living here from now on? Hope you like pranks as much as we do! Hua ha ha"

"We gotta get rid of those things for good!" said Grim angrily.

Crowley got into the room with a smile on his face.

"Good morning, Amy, did you sleep well?" asked Crowley. "Not at all! When I sprawled out on the bed, the mattress fell right through the frame! Exactly how ramshackle IS this dorm? And worse yet, we got woken up by ghosts! But it's not Amy's" asked Grim. "I slept great!" said Amy. "I am delighted to hear that you've adjusted so well, despite being sent to another world! Now, speaking of moving on, let us discuss your assignment for today" said Crowley.

Once Amy got dressed as she, Grim and Crowley are in the Parlor room.

"Your job today is to clean the campus, that said, the campus is vast, and without magic, it'd be quite a Herculean task to clean it all, therefore, today I'll have you focus on the area spanning from the front gates to the library, now Amy... I do expect that you'll keep a close eye on Grim, last he cause another incident like yesterday" said Crowley. "Understood" said Amy. "Do not fail me, you may take your lunch in the cafeteria, along with your creatures, I eagerly await the fruits of your labor, come along Mew and Mewtwo" said Crowley.

Crowley got out of the dorm with Mew and Mewtwo.

"Hrmph, I ain't cleanin' nothin'! I'm here to study magic so I can be blastin' off spells left and right! Like BAM! POW FWOOM!" said Grim. "After we clean, we can study in the library" said Amy. "Hrmph" said Grim.

Amy thinks she find any more Pokémons in the school.

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