𝟐. sluts?

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BUTTERFLYAct One: Chapter Two❝ Sluts? ❞

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Act One: Chapter Two

IT FELT ILLEGAL TO HAVE three consecutive classes in the morning. After the assembly, Delilah has moved from class to class before lunch and she felt like her brain was gonna explode from all the information given to her. It surprised her how much work teachers were giving on their first day back.

The brunette walked out of her class with her airpods in, her iPad in her hand as she tried to finish up the last of her essay. That way, she could just chill with her friends later on and not have to worry about anything.

"Oi, Butterfly!" Spider waved at her, sitting on a table.

"Dels!" Ant joined in, trying to catch her attention. "She's gonna bump into the pole.." he mumbled, watching the movement of his sister carefully.

Unknown to them was that music was blasting extremely loud in her ear, making her so focused that she didn't hear the two, nor see anything besides her iPad causing her to bump to a pole. "Ow, shit," she muttered, rubbing her forehead. She swore that the pole wasn't there the previous years.

Ant approached her, taking out her airpods for her and tucking them in her bag. "You'll never guess what happened!"

Delilah sat down beside him, across from Spider. "What happened?" she asked, finally submitting the essay and placing her iPad in her bag.

Spider basically shoved his phone to her face, a video playing.

"I'm fucking done with you!" Harper shouted, throwing a punch at Amerie's face.

Delilah's jaw dropped, looking back up at the boys who just told her to continue watching excitedly.

Amerie grabbed Harper's head and pushed her against the wall, saying something she couldn't understand. Harper just yelled in response, pushing Amerie and headbutting her.

"No fucking way!" Delilah covered her mouth. "I didn't know Harper could.. do that. How's Amerie?"

"Don't even get me started on her," her brother swore.

Butterfly, Spencer WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now