
Dusk eases down onto the couch next to Kana, holding a cup of steaming tea delicately in her hands. The smell wafts into the air and she takes a deep breath, letting it soothe her rattled nerves from their last mission.

"It's been quite a while since we last had some quiet time together," Dusk muses aloud, casting Kana an appreciative smile.

Kana chuckles softly, taking a sip from her own cup of tea, "It sure has, kid," She agrees, looking over at the younger woman with a fond smile on her face, "You've grown a lot and I couldn't be prouder."

"Thanks, Kana!" Dusk shoots her a loving grin before curiously asking, "What have you been up to all this time?"

"Well, you know me. Always keeping busy," The older woman replies, amusement lacing her voice, "I've been spending most of my time in the village and the surrounding forest, hunting, painting, helping out where I can."

Dusk smiles, her admiration for her mentor only growing, "Sounds like you're making the most out of life," She mentions earnestly, "I'm really glad to hear that."

Kana lets out a chuckle, ruffling Dusk's hair affectionately, "Well, life is for living after all," She answers with a playful wink.

Dusk laughs, swatting at Kana's hand lightly, "Alright, alright. I'll remember that."

Kana laughs along with her, glad to see the dark-haired woman so relaxed and happy, "That's the spirit, kid!"

"Kana," Dusk begins carefully, a thoughtful look on her face, "How's... How's your daughter doing?"

Kana blinks, the question catching her off guard. She wasn't expecting Dusk to ask about her estranged daughter, "Sabine is... Doing well, last I heard," She answers honestly, "I don't see or hear from her much these days."

Dusk nods understandingly, sensing the touch of sadness in Kana's voice, "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to pry," She apologizes softly.

The older woman waves a dismissive hand, offering Dusk a reassuring smile, "No need to apologize, kid. It's part of life... And it's good to talk about these things once in a while."

Dusk gives a small nod, grateful for Kana's understanding, "Thank you."

Kana chuckles, leaning back against the couch comfortably, "So, tell me about some of the missions you've been on recently," She asks with interest.

The younger woman grins, excited to share her experiences, "Well, there was this one mission where Xav and I had to retrieve an ancient artifact from a hidden temple."

"Sounds like a real adventure," Kana comments, her eye sparkling with interest.

Dusk laughs as she recalls the memories, "Yeah, it was a real mess," She admits, "I got into a fight with some poachers and ended up jumping into the river... But Xav came to my rescue."

Kana laughs along with Dusk, grinning at the story, "Always count on handsome to pull you out of trouble," She remarks teasingly, "From what I saw on North Sinnet Island... You and Xavia make quite the team."

Dusk's smile broadens at the praise, a warm feeling spreading through her chest, "Thank you, Kana," She begins sincerely before taking another sip of her tea, "Yeah, we do make quite the team. When he isn't being stubborn and cranky."

Kana laughs heartily as she muses, "That he is," Taking another sip of her drink, Kana regards Dusk thoughtfully for a moment before speaking again, "You know... If you ever need advice or just someone to talk to about anything, including Xavia..." She trails off, intentionally leaving the sentence hanging in the air between them.

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