The Beginning

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In the most remote corner of the Forsaken Realm lied Hage Village, the home to the weakest mages in Clover Kingdom. People here lived quiet and peaceful lives, detached from the politics and ongoings of the rest of the country.

It was this little village where our story begins - the story of three abandoned orphans, who would grow up to be three of the greatest mages in history.

It was the evening of October 4th, the sun was beginning to set. Father Orsi, who ran the small brick-walled church in Hage, was lighting the fire in the sitting room when he heard the cry of an infant from outside.

There were three wicker cradles left on the steps of the church, that held three babies, no older than a few weeks. Needless to say, Father Orsi was shocked, but he wasted no time in bringing them inside. He placed them on the bed, looking at them in sympathy and curiosity.

"Are you siblings?" He wondered out loud, "Or perhaps triplets?" He took a close look at the three newborns. "No, most likely not. You don't look alike at all."

Two of them were fast asleep, neatly tucked into the blankets, their tiny hands intertwined together. A baby boy with onyx locks and a baby girl with lavender curls.

Yuno and Sora.

"These two seem quiet and well-behaved," he mumbled.

The third one, with ash-blonde hair, however, was sprawled in his cradle, snoring loudly.

"This one looks somewhat spirited."

A kick from his flailing leg landed on Father Orsi's chin as he bent down to see the baby's name.

"Ahh!" Father Orsi grumbled, "A bit too spirited."


"Don't worry, Asta, Yuno, Sora!" Declared the Father, smiling down at the infants, "You three have had a tough beginning, but as of today, this will be your home!"

• Fifteen years later •

It had been fifteen years since that day. Sora sat under the huge cherry blossom tree on the small hill behind the church, watching the sun rise over Hage. She had been up for about two hours now, partly to practice her magic, but also to watch the dark blues and blacks of the night sky form a gradient with the gold and vermillion hues of the sunrise, before fading into the morning light.

"I knew I would find you here."

Yuno came up from behind and sat beside her, his raven hair waving slightly with the breeze.

"Hey, Yuno."

He gazed at Sora as she smiled gently, the golden light rays making her iridescent lilac eyes glitter. Yuno had always loved her eyes. The light shimmery lilac, that faded into a darker shade near the iris, matched with her lavender locks that formed ringlets around her shoulders.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Asked Sora softly, her eyes locked onto the sun as it rose above the mountains, slowly turning the sky a clear blue.

"Yes," Yuno muttered, his deep amber eyes never leaving her face. "Yes it is."

But not as beautiful as you.

Yuno reached out and traced the strange rune symbol on the inside of her wrist, the one identical to his own. It was neither a tattoo not a brand, it seemed as though they were both born with the red rune marked on their skin. No one knew what it meant, but Yuno and Sora didn't mind. It was one of the things that had brought them closer since childhood.

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