scarecrow day

Começar do início

I let out a small snort when I realize he tried to jump me by himself, "You know man, I thought you were smarter than this, you usually have your whole posse with you." I shake my head amusedly.

"Shut the fuck up." He full on sobs, holding his gushing nose.

I hold my hands up in defense, "My bad, sore subject I see." I mutter.

Just then a teacher walks out of the classroom we were right next to, "What in the name of God is going on out-" She starts but freezes when she takes in the scene, "What did you do to him?" She asks horrified.

Now I'm not gonna lie, me with bruised knuckles bending over a Leon Marshall who is currently dripping blood and sobbing on the floor is not a very innocent sight, I'll admit, but still, Leon is the one who jumped me.

I stand up straight, taking a step back from Leon, "I can explain." I say holding my hands up.

Leon finally gets up off the floor and quickly steps away from me, "Ma'am, I was walking back to class from the bathroom when she," He pointed at me, "Came up from behind me and just attacked me!"

"Are you actually for real right now, dude." I deadpan, "You just have no shame." I shake my head.

The teacher angrily turns to me, "You, dean's office, now!" She yells at me.

"What?" I reel back, "But I didn't do anything, he's lying!" I point towards Leon.

"You can explain that to the Dean." She growls and roughly grabs my arm, pulling me towards the office.

I reluctantly go with her, trying not to make things worse. I look back to see Leon smirking at me, face swollen and nose crooked and covered with blood. I honestly think I broke it.

I roll my eyes and groan, probably on my way to being expelled knowing how much influence his parents have.



School is now over and I'm currently walking out with Stella and Clara.

They're as usual bickering about something while I'm scanning the growing crowd, searching for Mayson. She usually meets me at my locker between every passing period and the end of school but she wasn't there.

I will shamelessly admit I was a little sad when I didn't find a Mayson waiting to tell me about her art class at the end of the day but I shook it off, thinking she was probably just held up. Doesn't matter, we're not dating anyway, she has no obligation to wait for me.

Yet you still get hurt when she doesn't.

I was about to walk out of school when I saw the person I was looking for, sitting in the office. Without a word I grabbed both Stella and Clara's backpacks and pulled them towards me.

"What the fuck?"

"Paris, what the hell! Where are you taking us?"

I pushed open the doors and walked into the office, pulling the girls with me. We walked in just in time to see a beat up looking Leon, with gauze coming out of his nose, the latter doing nothing as it was already almost soaked with blood, the front of his shirt also might as well been red too. His face was completely swollen due to his nose, making his eyes and cheeks puffy.

Not to mention his parents were also beside them, looking as prim and proper as ever, except both of their faces held a deeper scowl than usual.

"Damn, what happened to you?" Stella whistled when she saw Leon.

He just glared at her and pushed through us out the door, his parents walking past.

When his mother saw me though she stopped, "I'm very disappointed in you Paris." She breathed, "Since when do you associate yourself with such thugs? I mean a scholarship student?" She sputtered waving her hands around dramatically, taking a side glance at Mayson.

paint me like one of your french girls (gxg)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora