professional masseuse

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It was a Saturday morning around 9am and I was getting dressed to go the the store for some painting supplies.

Usually I'd try to sleep in but school makes it impossible because I'm so accustomed to waking up early. Even though I'm dead tired from work, school, and my healing ribs, my body just refuses for me to sleep in.

It's been about a week and a half since the whole thing with Leon so my ribs were feeling a lot better. Manuel gave me about 4 days off before I had to go back to work.

Which I didn't necessarily mind because I need the money and like I said I love cars but it's still extremely taxing on my body.

When I woke up around 8 I thought I might as well get a start on some painting. So now here I am, drying my hair from my shower and brushing my teeth.

Once I was finished I got dressed in black jeans, a grey hoodie, and my usual brown jacket and converse. I headed out the door once I got dressed and grabbed my bike to go to the nearest convenience store.

I only needed more brushes because mine were getting old and I wanted the paintings for the final to be perfect. As I biked through the waking city of a small town in Oregon, I let the cold but not freezing breeze whip across my face, giving me that cold feeling in my cheeks.

The city we lived in wasn't huge but it wasn't small either. One thing it did have though was it's scenery. Some of the trees were bare because of winter while others like the pine trees who were a deep green with a coat of white on its surface due to the snow from the day before.

The sun was still rising so it created a soft orange glow that reflected off the buildings and homes and the people opening shops or walking to work, getting ready to start their day.

The ground and the rooftops were covered in light, powdery snow that I knew would probably melt by the end of the day if the sun did it's job.

There was something peaceful about waking up with the sun and the city and enjoying the few moments where everything was just calm and still.

Once I got to the convenience store I quickly got my brushes and started my bike ride home. The sun was almost fully risen now and the people and the city were becoming more lively.

They were couples on walks, moms and/or dads pushing strollers, runners here and there, and people taking their dogs to the park that was across the street from my apartment.

When I got back to my apartment I saw Steve walking out of his apartment with a Walmart vest over a hoodie.

"Hey Mayson." He greeted once he saw me.

"Hey Steve, finally got that job, huh?" I smirked.

"Shut up, man." He grumbled, "It's too early for your sarcasm."

paint me like one of your french girls (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now