The truth

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It's the next morning and Izuku is downstairs eating breakfast. He is then joined by the Infurnus that he helped.

Infurnus: Hey Izuku. I see your having breakfast. Where's Velvet and Eri? Did you two make out yet?

Izuku: *blushing madly* Wh-What the heck, dude?!


Izuku: Hey, buddy?

Infurnus: What's up?

Izuku: I think I need to give you a name.

Infurnus: Really? How come?

Izuku: Well, Eli names his slugs. And so does everyone else. And I feel like with two Infurnuses, we will need to give you a name.

Infurnus: Sounds good, but...what should my name be?

Izuku: Hmmm.................Toya.

Infurnus: Toya? Why that?

Izuku: My friend, Shoto Todoroki...his brother's name is Toya. He used to be a villain before he changed his ways. His quirk allowed him to shoot blue flames...although at first, the flames were that of the regular color.

Infurnus: I see...Toya...I like that name!

And so the Infurnus that Izuku saved was now named Toya. That's when everyone else came down.

Eli: Alright Izuku. It's morning. I'm sorry for being pushy but-

Izuku: I understand. I owe you all an explanation. But what I'm about to tell you is something that you must never, EVER tell anyone. This is supposed to be kept a secret.

Trixie: Understood. I'll keep this to myself.

Kord: You can count on me. I'll bet it's important.

Pronto: Pronto is the greatest at keeping secrets! You can always rely on Pronto!

Velvet: I promise, as your girlfriend, that I will keep this a secret.

Eli: I've kept many secrets before. I can keep this a secret.

Izuku: you know, Eli said that we were both quirkless. Here's the thing. The quirk I was passed onto me by someone else.

Eli: Wait! Someone gave you this power?!?!?!

Izuku: Yes. That's the first thing you need to know. order to explain everything, we need to go back to when quirks were just starting out.

Kord: Uh...why?

Tenko: You'll understand soon enough.

Izuku: A long time ago, there was a very powerful quirk. Its name? All For One. This quirk allows the user to take quirks from others. The user could then keep the quirks for himself, or give them to someone else.

Eli: Wait...are you saying...?

Izuku: Yes. The user of this quirk could steal powers. This was back when quirks just started to show up. Before society could deal with the newly powered people. Back then, no one could tell what was normal and what wasn't. And during that chaotic period of change, there was only one person who managed to bring many people together. We don't know his true name...but he goes by the same name as his power: All For One. He stole quirks from with Tenko. And then, spread his influence across Japan.

Trixie: "Japan?"

Eli: A place on the surface. Where Izuku and I live.

Izuku: He manipulated people to serve his evil purposes. He committed evil acts with little resistance. It didn't take long for him to become the leader of villains and ruled over Japan.

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