We meet again..

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I open my eyes and looks up, there he was. That extremely handsome jerk that I had so much hatred for..

A: "hello there, mi amor~" he says with a smirk while towering over me

H: "don't act like what happened between us is just forgive and forget!?"

His expression softens
A: "oh Amor don't be so bitter! How about we catch up?" He gives me a light smile.

Was this man delusional?!
H: "sure! How about we talk... hm! Oh, when I'm in my grave!" I push him aside and walk away

He stands there smirking. God I hate him.

30 minutes later

We all sat down in the living room to do truth or dare, this game is so stupid but whatever.

Geoff starts asking
G: "so, Alejandro truth or dare?"

Oh this will be nice to watch

A: "hm, truth" Coward.

G: "do you still have feelings for Heather?"

I hate this dumb game, of course they were gonna ask something about us.

A: "hm, I in fact do still have some feelings for Heather.." he smirks at me.


Duncan then asks me.. I swear to god if it's about alejandro..

H: "Dare."

D: "I dare you to sit in the closet with alejandro from 5 minutes" he snickers

H: "barf! That will not be happening!" I roll my eyes

D: "you have to do it, or are you chicken?" He starts making clucking noises that sends laughter through the room

H: "grow up Duncan." I scoff and stand up, alejandro is already standing at the closet door, holding it open for me

A: "after you mi amor"

H: "don't call me that."

He quickly shuts the door behind him and we stand there, our bodies so close we're almost touching..

H: "stop taking up all the room you hog!" I start to blush and step back into the little to no room behind me..

A: "cmon Heather, don't be so sour!" He's says while holding my chin up, staring deep into my eyes..

H: "b-back up!" I stutter at his touch

He takes a small step back, still locked onto my eyes

I break the stare and look at my phone.

H: "5 minutes is up!" I grab the door handle and start to twist it, one problem it won't twist.. it's locked

I begin to scream
H: "LET ME OUT OF HERE!!" I say in an enraged tone

I then hear snickering outside of the door and begin to fume

H: "ARE YOU GUYS SERIOUS?! LET ME OUT!!" I begin to pound on the door

A: "Hermosa calm down, let me try." he says as he grabs my hand and pulls me aside, he then steps in front of the door and asks politely
A: "amigos, would you mind letting me and mi señora out?"

D: "yeah sure dude, we can do that in about.. 2 hours!"

I shove alejandro out of the way and begin to pound on the door

alejandro looks at me with a smile, giggling a little
H: "what the hell is so funny?!"

A: "Your gorgeous when your mad, it really brings out the anger in your eyes" he says as he brushes a strand of hair out of my face

H: "And you're insufferable 24/7!" I say in the most condescending tone possible

After I hear the snickers leave the room, I hear a little lock turn? The door finally opens and Cody is standing in front of it

H: "took you long enough?!" I say glaring at him

C: "Sorry! I was in the bathroom" whatever.

We step out of the closet, and I let out a deep sigh. It was getting quite dark out and I didn't feel like staying the night, but it really depended if Cody was staying or not..

H: "are you staying the night..?" I ask skeptically

C: "yeah.. sorry! Sierra begged me to" I let out a loud groan and stomp upstairs, everybody was out by the pool but I couldn't handle being out there right now

I made my way into one of the guest bedrooms, somebodies bag was in here so I guess we were sharing. Whatever, I plop down on the bed and throw my heels off. I lay there staring at the ceiling

2 1/2 hours later

I could finally hear everybody heading to their rooms, I guess I would meet my roommate. I sat up and watched as the door handle turned, my jaw dropped when he walked in. WHY WAS IT ALWAYS HIM?!

A: "I suppose we're roommates?" He says while a smirk appears on his face

H: "not for long!" I storm out and pound on every bodies door, nobody wanted to switch. I mean it made sense since half of them were dating but still! It was enough of a pain being in a closet with him

I walk back into 'our' room and rummage through the closet, I found some pyjamas and walked into the bathroom and changed. When I walked out Alejandro was in pyjama pants and no shirt, my god he was fit. ew Heather No, barf!

H: "don't try and pull anything, we're just sleeping in the same bed nothing more." I scoff

A: "I don't think my girlfriend would be too happy if I "pulled anything'." Oh, he has a girlfriend, I part of me was a little hurt. But why? I had moved on, and clearly he did too!

H: "and your girlfriend doesn't mind you flirting with other females?" I wiggle my eyebrows

A: "I don't think she will, as long as it's just a bit of teasing" he winks at me, yuck.

H: "whatever, I'm going to bed. Goodnight" I scoff and turn off the light then crawling into bed, moments later alejandro did too. I kept to my side of the bed, and clearly he did not. My god he was a massive bed hog.

-Took some thought to write this but I'm kinda satisfied about it, I'm trying to stick to one story line and not throw a bunch of things in there like "it was just a dream!😱🤡"
But I'm still open for ideas!! :DD

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