A Star on it's Wire

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Last night was almost a complete blur. Y/n wanted nothing more than to go home and get some rest. Unlocking their front door, they slammed it closed and leaned back onto it, taking a few deep breaths to stretch their lungs. Walking to their bedroom, they grabbed the cold doorknob and threw off their clothes. With an exasperated groan, they flopped down face first into the mattress and pillow. Without moving their face, they covered themselves with a blanket and turned their head to side, allowing themselves another deep breath. Drifting off to sleep, they curled up into their blanket and cool sheets once more.

The morning sun peeked through the curtains as they rubbed the sleep from their eyes. The warm rays felt nice on their skin as the room had gotten cold through the night. Groggily rising, they let out a big yawn and rubbed their face with their hands. They were looking forward to today. Yesterday was...well it was certainly something. They could but feel empathetic. What was wrong with Wally all of a sudden? Was he okay? Did someone hurt him? Y/N didn't know. Taking a deep breath, Y/N assured themselves that today was going to be okay. Everything would be better. It was worth it. It couldn't possibly get worse, right? Right...?

Going to the bathroom, they did their normal routine of showering, brushing their hair then their teeth. Y/n smiled to themself as she remembered Alex saying the way she did all of this was strange. Apparently, you're supposed to Shower, brush your teeth, get on some clothes and then brush your hair. The memory put a smile on Y/N's face. A good start to a morning, wouldn't you agree? And it would be, but they felt... bothered. After putting on their clothes, they checked the clock.

20 minutes till I have to go.

With a sigh, Y/N tucked their hair behind their ear and went into the kitchen for some coffee. Grabbing a reusable cup, they poured the bitter hot liquid in its container.

Their heart ached. And they hated it. It was the same feeling they had felt at their previous job- right before things had gone down hill. Right before-

Putting on their socks and shoes, they dragged themselves to the front door, slamming the heavy door of their apartment with a shut. Taking a moment to pause, Y/N gathered their thoughts. 'I can do this' was said over and over in their head as they walked towards their car on the moist rocky gravel of the parking lot. As they moped towards their lonely, desolate car, they'd hear birds chirping within the dark morning.

Even in a dark moment like this, there was still - life.

As they got to their car, they let their fingers unlock it with an audible click and settled into their seat. A quiet sigh escaped their lips as they'd started it and began their drive to work.

Pulling their car from out of the parking lot, Y/N took a quick sip from the dark roast of their coffee cup. Getting up this early each morning was going to take some getting used to. Navigating through the never ending sea of cars and people, they'd soon make it to the freeways where they had begun their journey. So far the ride was smooth with little traffic, so Y/N turned on the radio and the song 'Brave' by Sara Bareilles played.

Very funny.

As the car rumbled on the pavement of the freeway, Y/N felt the sun rays of California splash onto their face just above the horizon. Darkened palm trees in the distance, Passing by downtown, billboards, movie theaters, closer and closer to the hills of this urban city. Today was a new day, Y/N reminded themselves. "From here on out.." They'd whipster to themselves, "From here on out I will never let yesterday determine my today...". They'd repeat again, reminding themselves of what Alex had said the previous night. It was just rocky beginnings, but they felt as if they were being thrown into the ocean infested with sharks. Y/N smiled though, despite the dark thought.

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