Whispers of Warning

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Y/N lets out a deep nervous sigh as soon as the elevator door closes. They gather up all of their papers. They try to gather their thoughts as they look down at the stack in their hands. Their heart, racing with anxiety and excitement. They didn't think they would get the job, especially not a job to work under Wally Darling. Processing it all, they're body begins to shake. Hot and cold mix within their body as the elevator doors finally open. Looking up from their stack of papers, they see Alex sitting at her desk, anxiously waiting. A nervous smile creeps onto her face as she twiddles her fingers. Y/N knew that look. She was bouncing her leg and wasn't going to stop until she knew what happened. Y/N gave her a reassuring smile, hoping that it would be enough to relax her, even a little until they got to her desk.

Passing the woman from HR, Y/N let her know that she's going to talk to Alex and that they'll be quick. Approving, the HR woman nodded her head and went back to her own work. Y/N nearly hop-skip-and-jumped to Alex's desk as they shook their hands in happiness and excitement. A silent scream left Y/N as they leaned over to quietly say 'I got the job!' Alex let out a loud gasp. "You got the job!" She squeaked, with joy. People began to stare as Alex's face began to flush light pink. Regaining her composure she could see in the corner of her eye, the HR woman smiled at how excited Alex was. It was endearing. Before Y/N could tell any details, the same woman called them over. Saying their goodbyes and catching a glimpse of Alex shaking her fists with joy, they followed the woman toward the front entrance. Walking down the stairs, they noticed a large Wagoneer Jeep, placed directly in front of the staircase.

Who's car was this? And why is it directly in front of the stairs like they're about to be thrown in the back seat?

A man in professional attire held the car door open, a gesture of polite invitation. The woman from HR, wearing a welcoming smile, gestured for Y/N to step inside while she settled herself in the opposite seat. The professional gesture temporarily surprised Y/N and impressed them. They paused, absorbing the scene, eyes darting around to absorb the rush of activity—Paparazzi clicking away, stars walking about, and business professionals bustling by—a whirlwind of emotions flooded Y/N's body all at once.

As the emotions crashed into them with a hesitant but enthusiastic smile, Y/N eased themselves into the plush interior of the car, despite the suspicion of being suddenly kidnapped. The door shut behind them with a satisfying thud. As the man climbed back into the front seat, the car engine hummed to life, beginning to ease its way onto its journey towards the studio grounds a few blocks away.

As the engine quietly hummed, Y/N took the quiet moment to admire the cinematic-like scenery. The gentle hum of the car's engine accompanied the journey as Y/N took the moment to enjoy the scenes outside, blending into a cinematic rush past the windows. Yet, the silence was quickly broken as a cough was heard from the woman that sat beside them.

"So, how are you feeling about all this?" she would ask gently, her tone laced with genuine interest. Y/N wasn't all too sure how they felt, though. It felt like so much at once—they turned to answer with a nervous smile, getting a hold of the tangled nerves that sat within them

"It's... a mix of nerves and excitement, honestly," they admitted, a touch of excitement in their voice. "It's quite overwhelming." Y/N sighed, trying to take everything in. Suddenly, warmth was felt on their hands as they looked down. The older woman had turned to them and chuckled warmly

"Ah, it's a common mix. Trust me, you'll get used to it soon enough," she assured them. Y/N looked at her, taken aback by the friendly gesture, but then smiled slightly, feeling their nerves settle a bit.

"Thank you." Y/N stated as they looked down slightly.

The ride was soon to end as the car came to a stop in front of a pair of large, shining gates. The man driving softly waved to a small security booth to their left, the employee positioned there happily letting them in.

As Y/N gazed upon their surroundings, everything they laid their eyes on swiftly took the air from their chest. The studio's grounds were absolutely breathtaking to someone like Y/N. All the sights caused their heart to jump in their chest. Just ahead was a faux rainbow over a beautifully green lawn, with a large glimmering golden globe reading "Playfellow Pictures".

Along the road there were a few branching paths within the roundabout, each leading to a different, amazing and unique, part of the studio. Down one path seemed to be the walk-in area for tourists with enough money in their pocket to even afford it, lined with a large multitude of restaurants, gift shops, and theaters. Another seemed to be filled with a variety of museums and interactive displays. On the other road were various stage areas, dressing rooms, and a long lining of staff related buildings, danced down the streets.

As they pulled into the last road leading towards the staff and cast member section of the studio grounds, Y/N would think for a moment. Y/N had heard many wonderful things about the grounds at Playfellow Pictures; Including its amusement location which had been further down within the district. But they knew that even growing up, Y/n was never able to afford the tickets to come here. The tickets had always been so expensive. They were always very envious whenever they saw cars and passerby flooding into the grounds like starved cattle ready for their meal.

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