~*• Supply Closet •*~

42 0 1

Apollo = English
Klavier = Music
Ema = Science
Athena = Psychology

!teacher Apollo x !teacher Klavier

Klavier Gavin

It's useless! All my students don't get the feeling of music! It's supposed to tell a story and be creative and I try to help them with that but nooo. They just gotta vandalise my instruments! I helped the school fund for all these guitars, keyboards, drums and other instruments and this is the thanks I get!?

"Uhm... Mr Gavin?" I hear a delicate voice at the Music room door. Ah- it's Pearl. I lift my head up and smile at her, trying to hide the anger from scrubbing the permanent marker off the body of this guitar. She takes a hesitant step in and peers over me. It must look weird for me to be sitting on the floor, leaning against the dirty walls.

"What happened? Who did that?" She asks with a sort of anger in her voice.

"Could've been anyone. There isn't any cameras in here and another student mentioned the marker when playing, Ja? So it really could've been there for weeks." I mutter. She sits on the floor next to me and pulls out a lunchbox.

"Well I'll help you! Trucy isn't in today so I have no one to hang out with. Are there any more instruments which have been written on?" She sighs. I try to tell her it's fine but she insists. I can't say no to Fräulien Pearl. She's one of the students I can tolerate, Even better, one I like.

Of course I love Fräulien Trucy too. She's always engaging during class and has lunch in my room sometimes with Fräulien pearl. She always hangs out in her brother's classroom at lunch but makes exceptions to sometimes spend time with me.

"You don't have to, Pearls. It doesn't take long at all. Vertrau mir einfach!" She just stares at me with a 'just let me do this, goddammit.' looking expression.

"I really have nothing better to do. Poll- I mean Mr Justice was speaking to Miss Skye about some school trip so I couldnt spend time with him but to be completely honest.." she takes a bite out of her watermelon, "It feels weird to visit your... Friends brother when your friend isn't there."

I chuckle slightly and nod. Why was Herr Forehead talking to Fräulien Scientist? And about a school trip? Did I miss an email or something..? Eh.. I'll check it later.

"If you don't mind helping, pearls, could you try and get the marker off of that bass guitar?" I ask and she nods, heaving the guitar up and putting it in her lap.

"Why would someone write 'F x M' on this..?" She mutters. Sounds like a school romance.. well keep your love life off of my instruments! Mein Gott..

She grabs a wipe and dips it into the acetone. I've already tried and it doesn't take off the paint or design of the instruments so that's hopeful. I do the same after managing to get off of most of the pen.

* * *

"So what was this.. erm.. Stolpern, Fräulien Skye and Herr Foreh- Justice were talking about?" I ask, still wiping away after grabbing another guitar. Pearl's head perks up and she looks shocked.

"I thought all the teachers knew!? Especially you!" She says, pointing at me confusingly..? What's happened and why am I not informed?

"Mr Justice is going on a school trip with 38 students and you, Mr Gavin!"


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