A lopsided smile plays on Kana's lips as she watches the interaction between Dusk and the conman from a distance, "It seems like this kid could use a hand," She mutters to herself, pushing off from her leaning position against one of the market stands.

"Oh, there you are, sweetheart!" She exclaims dramatically upon approaching them. 

The sudden intrusion startles both parties, causing their heads to snap towards Kana. Without waiting for an introduction or an invitation into their conversation, she continues in full swing, making sure all eyes are now on her.

"Been searching 'round this whole marketplace for ya," Her gaze shifts toward Dusk while keeping that same sly grin plastered over her face.

Dusk jumps at the older woman's sudden appearance, her heart pounding in her chest. She looks around and squints up at Kana for a moment before it registers.

"Um... Me?" She stutters out, "I... I'm sorry but I think you have me confused with someone else."

Kana laughs heartily at Dusk's comment, "Oh, sweetheart! You're funnier than I remembered!" She slaps her thigh in amusement. Pausing for a moment to catch her breath, she takes a step closer towards the young girl and whispers, "It's all part of the act. Play along."

She turns toward the conman, offering him her most charming smile before speaking again, "Just picked up some herbs from this kid here."

Dusk blinks, taking a moment to process the woman's words. She feels completely out of her element but manages to nod and offer Kana what she hopes is a reassuring smile.

"Yes, uh... That's right," The dark-haired girl stammers nervously, playfully nudging Kana back as if they were old friends before trying to mirror the older woman's confidence.

"That's my little protege!" Kana declares proudly, looping an arm around Dusk's shoulders. To the conman, she speaks in a casual tone full of veiled warning, "I do hope you've been treating this kid well."

"Absolutely, Kana," The man nervously concurs, beads of sweat forming on his brow, "I would never take advantage of your protege..."

"Oh, I'm sure," Kana reassures with a dazzling smile, her eyes never losing their cold glint. She looks back at Dusk and winks subtly before turning to leave, "Come along, dear. We have much to do."

As they leave the rattled man behind them, Dusk glances back at him with a look of relief before looking towards Kana with curiosity in her mixed-colored eyes. 

Once out of earshot of the conman, Kana chuckles, "Well done," She compliments before letting go of the other woman's shoulders, "I hope you learned something valuable today."

Dusk, still a little taken aback by the whole situation, nods slowly, "Um... Thank you. I think I did?" She manages to mumble out.

"I meant, always trust your gut instincts," Kana explains to her, "If you feel like someone is trying to cheat or take advantage of you... They probably are."

A soft gasp escapes the dark-haired woman's lips as she finally understands Kana's words, "I... I see," She murmurs, her expression changing from uncertain to determined, "Thank you for your advice and help, ma'am."

"Ma'am?" The older woman laughs heartily at Dusk's formality, "Please, just call me Kana."

Caught off guard by the stranger's casual demeanor, Dusk stutters, "O-oh... Kana then."

Kana falls quiet for a moment as she observes the change in the younger woman's expression, "I see potential in you," She finally comments with an approving nod of her head, "What's your name?"

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