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LAIKEN'S SUMMER PASSED BY IN A BIT OF A BLUR. She had summer cheerleading camp. Enzo took her on a trip to Disney World, as neither had ever been. Klaus sent her flowers for her eighteenth birthday in June and called her all the time.

Admittedly, Laiken liked it when he called. He'd update her on his travels — which included Stefan, who'd bargained his freedom for a cure for Damon who'd gone and gotten bit by Tyler Lockwood. And since they were mad at her for not killing Klaus, Laiken was just stubborn enough that she wouldn't rumor the bite away, so they were desperate.

Klaus didn't seem to be having much luck finding werewolves, not that Laiken really cared. But she was glad he was safe and out of danger for the most part. She never pleaded with him to undagger Elijah, knowing that'd potentially make things worse for the suited Original.

The two soulmates simply got to know each other over the summer. Laiken thought he was charming and funny and strong. And Klaus found her to be nearly as wicked-minded as he was, which drove him wild.

Of course, no one but Enzo knew that she was in contact with Klaus. Given that Elena and Damon were hunting day and night for Stefan, she didn't want to make it too easy for them.

But finally, summer had to come to an end as the first day of her senior year arrived. And as per tradition, the night before, all the seniors flooded to the high school for the annual prank night.

Caroline had invited Laiken to help prank their biology teacher's room with rat traps, but Laiken didn't really want to spend time with Elena. After saving her and Jenna, Elena seemed to have the delusional notion that Laiken liked her, and she wasn't looking to reinforce that school of thought.

Instead, Laiken was in the gym, directing people around as they filled plastic cups up to the brim with water and covered the floor with them. She couldn't wait for the new football coach to run in and likely knock some over while trying to pick them all up.

It was as she was bossing around Dana that the doors flew open and a very familiar hybrid dragged Elena inside with him. And he spoke in a ridiculous American accent that made Laiken snicker.

"Attention, seniors. You have officially been busted. Prank night is over. Head on home," he said, earning groans of annoyance as people started to leave. Laiken just stood with her arms crossed, watching as Klaus then approached Dana and Chad, who were unfortunately the last to leave. "You two. I remember you."

"I'm sorry. Who are you?" Dana asked, clearly confused.

"Oh, don't worry, I wasn't in my right head last time we met," he said before compelling her. "Lift your foot up, please, Dana." Then he turned to Chad. "If she drops her foot, Chad, I want you to beat her to death. Understood?"

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