I sighed mentally preparing myself to tell them the bad news.

"Mrs. Berry, I have good and bad news." 

Mr. Berry put an arm around his wife's shoulder, "What's the bad news doc?"

"Bad news?" I looked at the shock look on Mrs. Berry's face.

I nodded and sighed rip the band aid off Asher, "I'm heartbroken to tell you that Mrs. Miller won't have much longer." This is the part when I want to go and hide. The look on their faces is so painful and it hearts my own heart breaking the news to them.

Mrs. Berry cried into her husband's side, and he hugged her.

"What's the good news?" He asked in a real calm voice while trying to comfort his wife. Is there any real good news after the harsh reality I threw at them?

We'll yes, I guess there is good news, I knew Mrs. Miller for a couple years and I think it's clear that she believes in Jesus Christ. My frown turned into a smile looking up at the couple they looked at me confused understandable I smile after telling them sad news.

"The good news, the good news is you'll still have time to spend with her while she still here on this earth." I said and they stiffly nodded and was about to go back the room, but I stopped them, "Um, your mother and I used to chat. She told me interesting stories from when she was young. She also told me how much God has helped her and her family."

Mrs. Berry looked to be in deep thought and Mr. Berry gave me a tight smile and nod then he turned to his wife and snapped her out of her thoughts the two of them returned to the hospital room where their son and Mrs. Miller is.

I turned the other to walk down the hallway, but I heard my name being called, "Doctor Human!" I looked over my shoulder to see Yvonne who is a nurse and also happens to be one of my good friends running straight toward me in a panic.

"Yvonne what's wrong?" I asked calmy.

"Asher, there's a patient who needs surgical attention!" When patient left her mouth, I was already following her to the ER. "What do I need to know?"

"The patient is a woman who looks to be in her mid-thirties and has been having heart problems for a while. She passed out on the way here and hasn't made any signs of moving."

I nodded not saying anything, we arrived at the ER as I rushed to the double doors, I see a teen girl sitting in one of the chairs sobbing. She glanced up at me as I passed her and gave her a quick comforting smile before entering the doors.


Why, why! why!? I sobbed into my school bag as I thought about how and why this is happening. I heard footsteps hurrying down the hall where I'm at, looking up I met eyes with a doctor he gave me a smile. I quickly looked down and wiped my eyes and closed them shut holding tightly onto my bag I prayed for mother.

'Please, God I pray for her to come out of this okay. I don't know what will happen if something happens to her, God, I trust you, but I pray that she is healed, and we'll be able to go home. In Jesus Name I pray, amen!' I finished my prayer.

"She'll be okay." I opened my eyes and turned my head to see a nurse with long black hair sat in the chair next to me. My body trembled and I stared at her it took everything in me to not let out more tears, "How do you know?" I questioned not in a rude way, but I was curious.

"Because I have faith." She said with a bright smile. This lady kind of reminds me of my best friend but lest peppy and more grown up.

I returned the smile even though I'm sure it wasn't as bright as her own at the moment.

"That man that rushed past you, he's one of the best doctors and surgeons in this hospital." She said with assurance in her voice.

Knowing that he is one of the best makes me feel a little bit better, I nodded and wiped more tears from my eyes. "Are you thirsty?"

"No." I softly said.

She nods and rubs my back, "Okay, well I have to get back work." 

I take notice of her name tag, that says Yvonne Grey. She stood up and walked off leaving me alone. I unzipped my bag and take out my phone. Jisoo probably blew up my phone wondering why I didn't come to school. Especially after yesterday events.

Going to my messages I see each one of my friends have sent a text.

I smiled and but also a small part of me panicked since I rarely missed school, unless I was super sick or had to go somewhere, or something like this has happened. 

Jisoo: Low, are you okay?

6:30 a.m.

Jisoo: Hello?

Willow: Hi, Jisoo I'm okay, the sickness went away but I'm not at school because of my mom.


Jisoo: Your mom? 😕

Willow: Yeah, I'm currently in the hospital. 

Willow: And she's in surgery, right now.


Jisoo: What! 😨

Willow: Yea, um can we talk later I need to compose myself.

Jisoo: Yeah! I'll let the others know.

Willow: Thank u ❤ Bye.

I put my phone away not bothering to check my other friends messages. I leaned the back of my head on the wall and thoughts swarmed my mind.

My stomach growled, I sighed I of course didn't bring any money for the vending machine. Opening up my school bag a grin made its way onto my face. I still have a bag of Cheetos that I didn't touch because of what happened.

I opened the bag and put one in my mouth, Cheetos are my favorite salty snack. I relaxed myself in the chair as I wait for my mother's surgery to be done.










Kelly's in surgery, do you think she'll come out okay?

I hope you have a wonderful day!

God bless you.

The Missing PieceWhere stories live. Discover now