Chapter Six

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Sam lingered in the bathroom before bed, taking her time to use the toilet and clean herself up. Since finishing her tour of the building she found not only did the electricity still work, but so did the water and plumbing. Her wonder at the lights coming on when she tried the switches got giggles from the children, and Luke pointed to old but structures outside. It seemed the building had alternate energy sources, on top of the main sources which no one had cut off in the mass panic. Not that they used the main lights often, even Jamie who's eye sight wasn't as strong like mine was used to moving in the dark. There was hot water too much to Sam's delight, and she was already planning to have a shower or maybe a bath during the day. Luke had seemed pleased when she asked if she could have one, which Sam was sure was because he saw it as a sign of acceptance. It did worry her a little that he might join her when the time came. Dinner had been less eventful than lunch thankfully, and everyone was present. 

Jasper had come in and immediately headed for Sam, who froze when he knelt in front of her nuzzling into her knees apologising. Luke hadn't responded from his position helping prepare food, so Mama had quietly told her he was waiting which confused her. Jamie ever helpful as he was piped up, telling Sam she needed to forgive him. He went on saying that Jasper was bad for scaring her, that he was told off by Luke and now he had to apologise so she would forgive him for it. Understanding dawned and Sam quickly told Jasper she forgave him, which got her a smile and rub from his cheek along her knee. After that some roasted meat was for dinner along with some raw vegetables, an unusual but still appreciated meal. After finishing off her food Sam found herself gently pulled up, ushered away and to bed barely having time to say goodnight on her way out.

Luke took them to their room, locking them in as he had before then went to the bathroom himself. Once he came back he told Sam to ready for sleep, so she rushed in to do just that. Using the toilet and filling the sink with warm water to clean herself up. The water was wonderful on her skin even with the cloth she used, leaving her feeling clean and more relaxed. While she could use warm or hot water at the settlement it wasn't often, they had to ration it so everyone got a turn and their fair share. Sam looked at the corner of the counter, there was a small pile of clothing Luke had left her. He had gestured to it when she went into the bathroom, but said nothing so she assumed it was for her. It looked like old shorts and tank top, a little big for her but more than enough for her to wear. Giving the doorway a glance she decided to change into them, they looked clean and her underwear was not anymore. 

Making sure she was dry Sam slipped on the clothes feeling relieved to have the comfortable clothes on. Like she thought they were a little loose but they wouldn't fall off, giving it a few test movements to make sure Sam finally left the bathroom heading towards the bed. Luke wasn't on it, he was on the far side of the room now in new loose fitting trousers. It was easy to assume he changed while she was out of sight. His eyes trained on Sam the moment she entered the room, and he was quick to come join her. "Come, sleep now" Giving the bed a glance despite knowing it was not worth fighting when she had no chance of winning, Sam nodded letting him push her forward as he followed close behind. When she didn't climb on the bed quick enough Sam found herself lifted, placed on the bed as Luke climbed on crawling behind her. No sooner was Luke there he lay down, curling himself around her. While Sam tried to keep some space Luke had none of it, moving her easily to where he wanted her to be.

When he was done Sam's head was using his arm as a pillow, while his leg moved itself between hers as well. Despite how unusual the position still was, the heat of his body as he curled around her was quickly pushing Sam's body towards sleep. Still she fought it. "Can I go outside tomorrow?" While a moment before the body behind her had been relaxed, it soon tensed becoming heavier pulling Sam back from the brink of sleep. A quiet but deep growling rumbled from Luke's chest, rolling through Sam's back easily with how closely he held her. The sensation and sound sent her mind into overdrive. She had asked to go outside, a stupid move she berated herself in her mind. He would think she was trying to leave or escape. "I wanted to explore outside, like we did inside" The growls lessened down to an inaudible vibration, staying that way for a couple of minutes leaving Sam in a limbo of uncertainty.

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