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Okay everyone, I am putting this in ALL of my stories. Some of you know that this past October 2022, my mental health took a MAJOR plunge and I attempted to kill myself. I have been in a bad creating funk for quite some time now. I am trying to get back into the groove of writing and genially trying to enjoy writing again. To do so, I do not want to feel pressured or rushed in publishing my works. If I see any comment saying things such as " Please Update", " Continue", or " When are you going to update?" I will IMMEDIATELY mute you. This will keep me from feeling stressed out. Writing is a way for me to destress and create- to express myself and share my ideas. Do NOT try to rush me in this as your efforts shall be removed quickly. This shall be your ONLY warning on this- do not take me lightly on this as I did it plenty of times before I unpublished my stories to revamp or edit them. This is going to be a new start in my writing where I am going to take my time in writing long chapters and create my own mood boards for my stories. I want to be able to explore my writing, not feel rushed. Please, please do not make me feel rushed or pressured because the more it happens, the more I lose interest in updating my works.

Thank you for your understanding and happy reading!

The Werewolf's Little ( Teen Wolf LS)Where stories live. Discover now