3. In a world where it didn't happen, in a world that never existed

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A\N: This is the final part of she couldn't have lived in a world without William Gardner wasn't in it with her my lovely Angels. This is probably my longest story title ever. I haven't thought about this chapter or the title as I'm writing this. So I'll be just as surprised as you Angels.


She woke up with a yawn and a smile on her face. The other side of her bed was empty and cold so Will had been up for a while. She threw the covers off her and got out of bed, padding out of their bedroom and into the kitchen where Grace and Zach were sitting at the breakfast bar. She smiled when she saw her husband at  the stove flipping pancakes. 

"Mmmm, they smell good, babe." Alicia said with an ever-growing smile on her face as she stared at her husband. 

Her husband turned and she gasped when she was staring into the eyes of Peter, her ex-husband. 

"P... Peter?" She asked. Peter gave her a smile. "What are you doing here? Where's Will?" Zach and Grace looked at their mother in confusion. 

"Are you okay, Mom?" Grace got off the stool and walked over to Alicia. Alicia was baffled by everything, she couldn't breathe as she took in her surroundings. 

"Alicia, look at me." Peter said as he walked away from the stove, the pancakes were forgotten. Peter's hands were on her shoulders. She looks at Peter and sees nothing but hurt in his eyes for her. 

"Will is dead, he died six months ago." Peter told her, Alicia shook her head. Her husband wasn't dead: he was alive. She knew it, her husband was alive. 

"No, he's not. My husband is alive. He survived his gunshot wounds. Peter, where is Will?" She had asked before she broke into tears as she saw the truth shining in her ex-husband eyes: 

It was a dream, or at least the majority of it was. 

She had asked Peter for a divorce the day Will was shot in the courtroom by Jeffery Grant and he had agreed to it but that was  where the reality had stopped and the dream had taken over, the rest of her 'life' with Will had been a dream: 

Will surviving the wounds he had sustained from Jeffery Grant's gun.

 Her staying by his side until he woke up from  the coma he was placed in. 

Their declaration of love for one another. 

Their cuddles on her couch when Zach and Grace were at Peter's. 

Their forms merging together. 

Their 'I love you's in front of their family. 

Their trip to Georgetown which ended in their engagement. 

Their wedding day in which Peter and Zach walked her down the aisle to her soon-to-be-husband.

Being announced as  'Mr and Mrs Gardner' for the first time when her husband pulled away from her after their first kiss as her husband. 

Dancing with her husband, Kurt, Peter, her son, Cary, Finn, her brother. 

Their wedding night. 

Being woken up by her husband

Their honeymoon. 

The start of their good timing, the start of their forever.

Everything was a dream, a lie

It was in a world that didn't happened, that never existed. 

It had only existed in her mind, in her dreams. 

She was never married to Will Gardner, she wasn't Mrs Alicia Gardner, and she never would be. 

Will never survived, he never knew that she was sorry or that she loved him. 

Will died alone without knowing how much she loved him. 

Her tears came in waterfalls down her cheeks as Peter pulled her into a bone crushing hug. 

Her life was over: Will was gone, the love of her life was dead, buried six feet under ground, slowly rotting away into a pile of bones that would eventually decompose into nothing, into piles of dust. Over time, there would be no evidence that William Paul Gardner ever existed on this earth. 

Even the people who knew and loved him would forget him as time went on. 

But she wouldn't. Alicia would never forget the boy she met in Georgetown 20 years ago. 

 The boy who pushed her into the pool before he jumped in himself. 

The boy who would bring her coffee early in the morning.

The boy who would become one of the best lawyers in the city of Chicago. 

The boy who turned into a man during the fourteen years they were apart. 

The man who gave her a lifeline to grab and pulled her out of the water when she was drowning after her husband was in prison. 

The man who made her laugh and smile again. 

The man who brought her pizza and beer during cases. 

The man who taught her how to love again. 

The man who was willing to give up everything to be with her. 

The man who had called her after her daughter was found safe and sound, even after she had broken both their hearts just hours earlier.

The man who left a party the second he found out she was at the police station, ignoring her protests that he didn't have to come, and came to her without a second thought. 

The man who always  put her well being above his own. 

The man who was one second away from throwing her over his shoulder and carrying her out of the building when he found her still working at 1 am. 

The man who loved her without asking to be loved back in return. 

Even when she was on her deathbed, Alicia Cavanaugh wouldn't forget William Paul Gardner, because she knew she would see him again. 

She had no idea how she would live in a world where William Gardner didn't exist but she would live, for him, for her, for them and their unspoken dreams of starting their forever, their good timing. 


A\N: This chapter had been forgotten until today, I'm sorry my Angels. I'm debating whether or not to do an epilogue to give Willicia a proper ending in this one. Enjoy, Angels. 

she couldn't have lived in a world where William Gardner wasn't in it with her.Where stories live. Discover now