2. She felt like she was dreaming

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A\N: This is the second part of she couldn't live in a world where William Gardner wasn't in it with her. This is the wedding scene, I hope you Angels enjoy this part because there will a twist in the final part of this story. 


The day she married the second love of her life, she felt like it wasn't real, she felt like nothing about the day was real. She felt she was dreaming, that any second she'd wake up and she'd be alone in bed  and Will would be dead, that he was killed in the courtroom. 

She felt like she was dreaming when her mother, daughter, Diane and Kalinda  came to her bedroom in their lake house to help get her ready. She felt like she was dreaming when she had her hair curled and her makeup applied to her face. She felt she was dreaming when she put on her white, strapless, sparkly wedding dress. She felt like she was dreaming when she slipped into her heels. She felt like she was dreaming when she presented with a daisy, encrusted diamond tiara from her soon-to-be- husband. 

She felt like she was dreaming when she saw her little girl in her bridesmaid dress. She felt like she was dreaming when a knock came at the door and Peter and Zach entered the room in their tuxes. She felt like she was dreaming when Grace and Diane hugged her and left her alone with her two boys. She felt like she was dreaming when Peter asked if she was ready to do this, to marry Will. She felt like she was dreaming when Zach told her he had his car on standby ready to make a quick getaway if she wanted to, she laughed at her son. She felt like she was dreaming when they walked out of her and Will's bedroom, which they would enter as husband and wife. She felt like she was dreaming when she walked down the stairs, her heels clicking loudly. 

She felt like  she was dreaming when she walked to the back open door that would lead her to her soon to be husband. She felt like  she was dreaming when Zach and Peter both held out their arms for her to take. She felt like she was dreaming when Zach told her to focus on Will and nothing else. She felt like she was dreaming when she felt the sun on her face as Peter and Zach walked her down the aisle. She felt like  she was dreaming when she saw all her old college friends, Will's lawyer friends from his basketball games, Diane, Kurt, Cary, Kalinda, Lana, David, Julius, her mother, her brother, Will's mother, Sara, Aubrey, and Grace who was walking in front of her, and saw Finn Polmar, the AUSA who helped save Will in the courthouse shooting at Will's side as his best man. She thought she was dreaming when she locked eyes with Will when she saw him at the altar. 

She felt like she was dreaming when she reached the altar and saw Will's outstretched hand. She felt like she was dreaming when both Peter and Zach hugged her and kissed her cheek before putting her hand in Will's. She felt like she was dreaming when Peter nodded his head at her, silently telling her that he'll be okay, and that she can marry Will. She felt like she was dreaming when both Peter and Zach told Will that he better take care of her or else hell would be raining down on him. She felt like she was dreaming when Will's fingers wrapped around hers. She felt like she was dreaming when their eyes were locked together like magnets. She felt like she was dreaming when it felt like it was only her and Will in the garden 

She felt she was dreaming when Will started to say his vows to her. 

"Alicia, I've loved you for 21 years, that's just over half of my life. The day I met you in Criminal Law 101 sitting in seat 35L, I knew I would marry you one day. You saved me a year ago when I got shot, I was meant to be dead but I knew I had to fight to get back to you, to tell you I loved you so I fought to get to you. You awoke a strength in me that I never knew I had. You're the only woman I've ever loved, and the only woman I ever will love for as long as I live. 

We were meant to be together, no matter how long it took, no matter how many heartbreaks it took us, no matter how many fights we had, no matter how many years we had apart, no matter how much bad timing we had. We were meant to be together and now we are, we finally got our good timing. I want you and only you, forever, and I'm going to fight like hell to ensure we always keep our good timing, no matter how long it lasts because you deserve the good timing, you deserve our good timing." Will said emotionally as tears fell from his eyes and landed on their joined hands. 

she couldn't have lived in a world where William Gardner wasn't in it with her.Where stories live. Discover now