then opening a hole, then going down underground, then dinging the spoon two times, then going down by moving a cart, then using a whisk to dig out, then Ginger looks around, then climbing out, then touching a dog, flying in the pit, closing the top, then kicking Ginger, closing the door.

then showing the paper with a chicken falling down, then they all walk with a costume of Mrs. Tweedy.

then ripping the clothes, then they all scream, then the dogs attack the chickens, falling down, then they all run, then closing the gate, with the face running at the gate, then putting Ginger inside, then they all close the top.

then Ginger throws the tennis ball by bouncing around, then opening a door, then kicking Ginger, then closing the gate.

"Morning, Ginger. Back from holiday?"

"I wasn't on holiday, Babs. I was in solitary confinement"

"Oh, it's nice to get a bit of time to yourself, isn't it?"

Then opening the door was princess chesterfield she was 11 and so young.

She worked on Mrs tweety farm but the farm was more of a prison than a farm

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She worked on Mrs tweety farm but the farm was more of a prison than a farm.

Princess was out feeding the chickens, "good morning everyone" princess was kind and warm, the nicest creature on the planet.

She would always great the chickens warmly, "good morning babs, bunty"

"Good morning princess"

"Good morning princess"

"Good morning Fowler" she shout as he was on the rooftop.

"Good morning young one" he says.

"Where's miss ginger, still in solitary confinement" princess asked.

"Over here princess" ginger was right behind her.

"Oh good morning miss ginger"

"Good morning princess how you been"

"You need to stop getting into trouble you know you can't escape"

"I know I can we just need a bigger plan"

"Do you really think Mrs tweety is gonna let you free"

"I don't care how long it takes I will get us out of here and I'll taking you with me princess, I promise"

Just they all hear a bell ring, then Fowler appears clearing up his throat.

"Uh oh we better get going now" princess says as she runs.

"Roll call! Come along now. You'll be late for parade"
they all run.

"Pip, pip. Quick march. Left, right, left, right. Left, right, left, right! Come on. Smarten up" he pushes the chicken, "Discipline! Order! Back in my R.A.F. days when the senior officer called for a scramble, you'd hop in the old crate and tallyho. Chocks away!"

"Give over, you old fool. They just want to count us"

"Oh, how dare you talk back to a senior ranking officer. Why, back in my R.A.F. days..."

"Fowler, they're coming. Back in line"

"Oh, right, right"

the chicken lays on the ground, the Mrs. Tweedy walks.

"There will be a stern reprimand for you, lad. You're grounded" Mrs. Tweedy walks to a gate.


Mrs. Tweedy walks in line by the chickens, princess hides while shaking, she was afraid of Mrs tweety.

She only uses the chickens to get money. She is always looking for a chance to abuse her husband and the chickens, and despite her temper, but she sometimes forces princes to do chores which princess has no problem but she is often scared of Mrs tweety because of the punishment when she doesn't do anything right.

"Welcome back, hen. Is there a new plan?"

Mrs. Tweedy grabs the glove, then Ginger hands the paper to Mac, stretching the glove, they all gulp.

"I thought we tried goin' under" grabs the paper back and forth.

"Ah! Over. Right"

Mrs. Tweedy grabs the clipboard from Mr. Tweedy, then walking down.

Ginger gasps and then she whispers to Bunty, "How's the egg count?"

"I've laid five eggs this morning. Five! Well-chuffed with that, I was..."


she looks at the clipboard at the paper, saying, "EGG PRODUCTION RECORD", pointing the numbers, then pointing the red circle on 282.

"Oh, no" the other chickens gasped.

"Edwina" A close up of Mrs. Tweedy smirking.

"Bunty, why didn't you give her some of yours?"

"I would have. She didn't tell me. She didn't tell anyone"

Mr. Tweedy grabs Edwina, continues walking, then closing the gate.

"Oh, is Edwina off on holiday?"

they both walk, holding Edwina, with Ginger looking at Mr. and Mrs. Tweedy, holding Edwina, then taking Edwina to Mrs. Tweedy, walking back, opening a door, Ginger walks up.

Mrs tweety is grabbing an ax, starting to cut Edwina, then they all gasp and they walk away.

sitting down, ginger looking at the geese flying in the sky.

"We've got to get out of here"

"Ginger! Are we still on?"

"Oh, we're on, all right. Spread the word, Mac. Meeting tonight in hut 17"

But little did they know...something was heading their way.

THE BAD GUYS IN: chicken runWhere stories live. Discover now