Chapter 10: Moving Out/In + Story Time

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-Scene opens to Blake now with his stuff outside the I.M.P Building  ready to leave the building, He had with him, a suitcase full of clothes, toothbrush, socks, and guns. He kept his Shadow Sabre in his Sword belt pouch. the group were outside with Moxxie, and Millie helping Blake put stuff the back of the bike, strapped. Loona was giving him kisses on the cheek, Blitz was practically begging for him to leave, only to fail, and Verosika had her arms around his neck with a look of worry-

Verosika: Are you sure you're okay with this? you could always stay at my place.

Blake: Vero, I'm sure, hell who knows maybe the staff, and residents there are not bad.

Verosika: -kisses his cheek- I know, I'm just gonna miss you. -kisses his other cheek-

Blake: And I will make sure to visit you when I get off work, to make up for it. -pecks her lips- Promise

Blitz: - pushes Blake and Verosika away from each other while flailing his arms around- Can you NOT give my best employee STDs!?


-as Blitz and Verosika were arguing, Blake shifts his attention to Millie, Moxxie, and Loona who are standing beside his Cavaliere. Blake walks up to the group as Moxxie hands him his helmet-

Blake: Thanks for the hand guys, really. You didn't need to do that.

Millie: -gives him a motherly hug- Aww, it ain't no problem Blake, you don't ever have to ask for help.

Moxxie: It's good to know you finally are living somewhere else... No offense...

Blake: *chuckles* Non taken. -walks up to Loona and gently grabs her face and kisses her snoot- I'll come back to work next week, till then. If you ever need someone, come on by.

Loona: *lightly laughs* I was gonna say the same thing, but you beat me to it. -kisses him for a few seconds and breaks- Take care, alright?

Blake: I will. - lets go of her, and hops on his Cavaliere before being given another kiss by Verosika- See you guys after my break. Take care guys! -drives away to the Hazbin hotel as everyone waves farewell before going back into the building-

-As Blake is riding his Cavaliere, he starts thinking about Charlie and Vaggie who he met yesterday, but he was mainly focused on thinking about Vaggie, as he could have sworn he saw that spear before they met, but also her eye. There was a giant red "X" on her eye which almost bared a resemblance to the Exorcist he fought when he first entered hell, he then nodded to himself as he was now sure of who, or rather what Vaggie was before coming down here... an Exorcist-

-Blake arrives at the Hotel where he see's Charlie and Vaggie at the front door step waiting for him, Charlie runs up to him and gives him a bear hug out of nowhere, he was shocked that the princess of Hell is giving a hug to someone she barely knew, as she greets him, she lets go as Vaggie walks to her side and helps grabs the luggage-

Blake: Thanks again for letting me stay at the hotel, I appreciate it princess.

Charlie: Please call me Charlie, never did like formalities. and it's no problem at all -gets all jumpy, or as a famous meme goes-

Author: Do I have any regrets? No. 
                 Was it worth it? Yes
                 Was it annoying?... Yes          

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