Chapter Twenty-Six:

Start from the beginning

I started to hyperventilate due to the anxiousness of the possibility of getting caught. Alex's solution to the matter was to place her gentle hand on my mouth. I stared at her with wide eyes, not expecting her to do that. Her hand was soft as it pressed against my lips. I tried my best to keep my lips away from her perfect skin.

"Man, I'm knackered. I think I'm going to go to bed," Liam stated. 

"Yeah, I think I'll do the same. It's been a long day," Zayn replied.

"Lame," Louis voice boomed through. "Harry, care to join me in the living room for a round of video games?"

 This time both of our eyes went wide, praying silently that Harry would be just as tired as the others and decline the offer.

"Nah, I think I'll just go to bed with the others. I have some plans set for tonight. Well, hopefully," he stated.

"You all are party poopers. Fine, I'll see what the girls are up to. I'm sure they will be more fun that you lads anyways," Louis exclaimed.

"You might want to change first," Niall chuckled. "Remember what we had to do for that last interview."

"Good call, mate. I think I'll shower actually," Louis turned directions and walked towards the bathrooms. 

The sound of footsteps retreated from the living room and towards the separate rooms. The sounds of water resonated from the bathrooms and the doors of the separate rooms were are all opened and closed. In seconds all the boys' screams were heard throughout the suite. I was certain that it was heard through the entire hotel with how loud they yelled.

Thank god for Alex. She was still pressing her hand onto my mouth. I was certain if she didn't I would have made a noise or yelp by how jumpy I was by their reaction.

The sound of the boys scrambling out of their rooms and the bathrooms continued, all ending up in the common area.

"Ugh, I've got molasses and feathers in places they shouldn't be," Liam stressed out.

"Hey, at least your hair isn't purple," Louis huffed. "So not my color."

"Yeah, definitely hoping this washes out," Niall soon joined.

"Who did this?" Zayn groaned.

"There is only one person that I know who would pull something like this on us," Harry stated. "Alex."

Well, there goes the mystery. That definitely didn't take them long to figure it out.

"Come on, let's go give her a piece of our minds," Liam said before marching towards the door.

We were almost in the clear...

... Until someone had to sneeze.

The boys' footsteps came to a halt once they heard the sneeze, knowing that they weren't alone in the suite. They backtracked back into the living room where they were certain the noise had came from.

"Alex," Harry smugly sang. "we know you're in here."

I could tell that Alex was contemplating on what her next move was. I immediately knew she was going to do when she slowly removed her hand from my mouth. I held onto her hand, silently telling her to stop, but she continued to slowly stand. Slowly my grip lost her hand and she hopped out of our spot of hiding, catching the boys attention.

"You'll never catch me alive, coppers," she shouted before the sound of footsteps started to run towards the door.

I had to fight the temptation to stand up and see what was going on but I could tell that she wasn't going to make it out of the suite. The boys easily had her trapped and outnumbered.

Journey of the Heart (Camila/OC)Where stories live. Discover now