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Meredith woke up in the middle of the night. Her stomach was hurting a lot, which even made it hard to breathe. She felt her daughter next to her and saw her husband asleep on the couch

She didn't wanna risk waking up Charlotte so she just stared at the ceiling, hoping the pain would slowly pass by

"Hey, you okay?" Derek muttered as he woke up

"Stomach hurts." She whimpered

"Oh Mer-" He sighed and sat up

"Shh.." Meredith whispered, clearly not wanting Charlotte to wake up

Derek pressed the nurse button and Bailey entered a few minutes later

"Can she get something strong? Preferably some morphine to get through the night.." Derek whispered, stroking his fingers over Meredith's cheek

"Will do." Bailey nodded and returned a little later to inject the meds into Meredith's port. "Hmm.. I hope she can sleep a bit."

"She is so tired.. But every single time she's being woken up by doctors doing rounds or starting a new round of treatment or some scans or-" Derek got worked up and stopped. "I just want her out of pain. She doesn't deserve this, Bailey."

"I know Shepherd. That poor girl should finally be happy.." Bailey nodded. "Richard has been calling me."

"Why?" Derek got up and took her outside

"He keeps saying how Ellis deserves a chance to see Meredith. I explained he should stop trying, that woman has never had the tiniest bit of love or respect for Meredith." Bailey said

"Thanks Bailey.." Derek sighed. "I don't understand how he can love her. He sees Meredith as his own daughter but still- He'll always defend Ellis.."

"Love makes blind I guess.."

Derek scoffed in response. "I think I'll go back inside, I don't like it when I'm not around."

"Watch yourself and your daughter. She's worried sick about her mom."

"She's so close with Meredith.. If she'd-" Derek stopped, unable to say it out loud

"She won't. Let's stay positive, okay?" Bailey squeezed Derek's arm

"I really try my best.. But it's hard when the love of your life is laying these in constant pain, fighting for her life when her whole stomach is overtaken by that stupid disease!" Derek buried his head in his hands

"Just be here for her. She's a fighter and you two have a whole army that's supporting you. So if it gets hard then talk to someone."

"Thanks Bailey." Derek nodded, pulling her in for a quick hug

"You better not try that again." Bailey said but then softened. "Meredith will get better."

Derek took a deep breath and entered the room again. He tucked in his wife and daughter before going back to the couch where he installed himself, unable to look away despite the clear exhaustion

It took a while before he was reassured and fell asleep


"No, pink is by far much better." Charlotte told her mom

Derek woke up to Meredith and Charlotte chatting away

"I also like the pink one." Meredith nodded, her voice gave away she was in pain but Derek saw she enjoyed spending time with her daughter

"Dad!" Charlotte smiled as she saw Derek rubbing his eyes

"Hey, morning sleepyhead." Meredith smiled softly, leaning against her pillow and shivering a bit

Charlotte adjusted her mom's blanket right away without even thinking before she went back to scrolling on her phone

"How did you sleep?" Meredith asked Derek

"Shouldn't I ask you?" Derek winked and got up, walking towards his wife and kissing her lips gently. "How are you?"

"Fine." Meredith quickly said, knowing her husband saw through it but she didn't wanna explain in front of her daughter. She shivered again which caused Derek to frown

"Let's give you another blanket. Have you been awake for a while? Maybe you should take another nap." Derek said

"I should take a nap but I don't wanna. Just wanna cuddle a little longer." Meredith insisted

"Not too long, Bailey wants you strong so you can come home." Derek said. They had begged to let Meredith come home to celebrate Charlotte's 14th birthday

"I know." Meredith muttered. "I'll be home soon." Meredith breathed

"Go to sleep, I'll cuddle into your side." Derek kissed her neck softly

"Hmm.." She nodded, already half asleep but smiling as she loved laying down with her husband

"I love you so much, Meredith Grey." Derek whispered. He tucked her in and held her tight. He didn't smell lavender and he was scared to hold her tight as he didn't wanna hurt her. But at least he was holding her, she was alive and breathing in his arms, he was terrified one day she wouldn't be here anymore

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