Something New

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   I stared out of the window, as people walked by, in and out of the bistro. Vincent had decided that he wanted to go into work today, because he wanted the bistro open. I didn’t really say anything. Other than the fact of being locked up in an expensive apartment alone, I wasn’t too upset. Okay, maybe I am a little… I rested my head on my arms, getting tired of holding my head up. While I continued to watch, I noticed a woman dressed in business casual clothing, walking into the bistro. I peeked my head up a bit. Is that a food inspector? I got up from where I was sitting, and sat on my bed. Jee, Vince is going to be pissed when he gets home- I sighed a little. He already seemed mad at me earlier today. I hadn’t known how to give him after care, other than washing, and cuddling him yesterday. Again, I’d only ever had sex with girls before. He got annoyed at me, but said it was fine, and just went to his room.

   Today, he woke up angry and sore, and didn’t do as much as look in my direction. Only telling me that he was going to open the bistro again today, and that if I left, he’d find me, and finish the job. I knew he would find me. Who knew what kind of connections he had with being a renowned chef, and a killer cannibal? Plus, where would I go? He knew where I lived, Mannon’s place was probably owned by now, and my parents weren’t exactly close by. And biking there isn’t really efficient. Why’d I have to live so far away from them-?? 

1 hour and 30 minutes later… 

   I heard a door near the back of the apartment close. Having a feeling I knew where it was, I ran to Vin’s room, and looked out of his window. I kept it shut though, not wanting to be too obvious. The lady I had seen earlier, and Vincent were in the back alleyway. I opened the window a crack, just to be able to hear the conversation. He seemed to have dropped his nice demeanor he usually had for the bistro. “Vincent Charbonneau, I’d like to ask you a personal question.” He crossed his arms, still looking at the girl. “What is it?” “About your love life.. Have you ever been with someone? Are you currently with someone now?” She smiled a bit. Vincent gave her a skeptical look, and put his hand on his hip. “What does that have to do with the bistro?” “Nothing, really, I was wondering if you’d be interested in-” “I’m not. This inspection is scheduled to be over in about 5 minutes, so I suggest you wrap things up. Good day, madam.” He turned back around, and went to head back into the building. Her smile turned into a scowl, and she glared at him. “Really? Fine, I’ll just give you a bad review then. Your food tasted horrible.” WIth a sudden jerk of his body, he whirled around, and pinned her head to the wall behind her.

   She gasped, and dropped her clipboard on impact. I jumped a bit back from the window, but willed myself to keep watching. After a moment, he let her drop to the ground. She cowered away, terrified, and scared. “Do it then.” He walked back into the building, leaving her out there, on the filthy ground, fear stricken.

3 hours later…

   I stayed laying on the couch, watching as the news reporter talked about a car crash down a few blocks from where we were. I heard the door open and close, and footsteps walking past the couch. I sat up, and looked at Vincent. He seemed annoyed, and he walked into the kitchen. I knew why he was annoyed, or sort of assumed. “Vin??” “What do you need?” He asked, keeping his voice calm and level. “Everything alright?” I got up, and walked to the kitchen. He had poured himself a glass of wine already, and was drinking it. He looked towards me. “Yes.” He looked me up and down for a second, then downed the entire glass of wine he had poured himself. He then walked towards me. Again, I reflexively backed up till I couldn’t anymore. He smiled a bit, and lifted my chin so I’d look him in the eye. We were around the same height, but he was a bit taller than me. But since he was wearing shoes, he was taller.

   He leaned his face closer to mine, and kissed me, biting at my already sore lips. My face grew warm, and I slowly let myself melt into it. I’d thought since he’d be sore when he got home that he would have just gone to his room for the rest of the night. But I guess not. He lifted my right leg, and held it against his waist, grinding our hips together as he pinned me to the wall more. I held onto his shirt, not wanting to fall in the middle of this. Again, more noises escaped from my mouth, than from his. But I don’t think he was planning on bottoming tonight. As he picked me up, I opened my eyes, surprised. He walked to the guest room, and set me on the bed, now pinning me to that instead. He slipped my clothes off fully, even the tank top I had underneath my shirt. His cold hands rubbed up and down my torso. When I opened my eyes again, his clothes were off as well. I quickly closed my eyes again, though, as he bit my neck, drawing blood once more.

   His hands rubbed and massaged my sides in a circular motion, causing me to become louder. I looked at his torso, seeing the injuries again. I gently traced a scar with my finger, wondering what caused it. His body tenses, and he pinned my hand above my head. He looked at me, and seemed hesitant. “This’ll hurt for a good bit, just so you’re aware.” His cold voice seemed to have some sympathy in it, and it relaxed me a bit. I nodded, having a feeling it would. He gently inserted a finger in, and then after a bit, a second on, doing a scissoring motion. I winced, severely questioning myself. When he thought it was good, he gently removed his fingers, and inserted himself in carefully. I uncontrollably arched my back into it, and winced, but moaned at the same time. He stayed still for a minute, looking at me. I looked back up at him, severely grateful. I absolutely needed the time to adjust.

   After a moment, I moved a bit, craving for it as I adjusted more and more. He suddenly started moving, gaining pace each time, taking me moving as a sign that it was okay for him to move as well. I held onto his arm reflexively, needing something to focus on. It felt like it was too much, but my body loved it. He pushed himself deeper, causing me to squirm, shiver in enjoyment, and cry out in pleasure, gripping his arm more. I closed my eyes tightly. “V-Vin~!!!” He held onto my waist with his other hand, keeping me in pace. He then leaned down, and bit my neck where he had earlier. I gripped his arm as tightly as I could when I reached my limit. He reached his as well, but pulled out beforehand. He pulled me against himself, as I continued to shake and squirm, overwhelmed and overstimulated by what just happened. I buried my face into his shoulder, struggling to actually calm down. He swayed a bit, and rubbed my lower back.

   After a few moments, I stopped squirming, tired out now. But I was still shivering from pleasure.

~Taste~ (Vincent×Rody)Where stories live. Discover now