Missing M

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   I laid down on my couch, with dried tears on my face. Mannon hadn’t answered the phone again, and I started to feel like she was never going to come back.. I glanced towards the clock, and saw that the time was 10 minutes before I needed to be at work. I quickly jumped up, caught off guard. Holy crap, how long have I been laying here moping..?! I ran over to my uniform that was slung over the back of a spare chair, and started changing as quickly as I could, while grabbing the piece of toast that had gotten cold as it stuck out of the toaster. 

30 minutes later… 

   I entered the bistro, out of breath from biking all the way here. There were already people situated at tables, but that was to be expected. I was about 20 minutes late. As I went to go to the employee room to put my bag in there, I felt like a cold gaze was upon me, before I had even made it past the doorway. Having a feeling I knew it was, I hesitantly turned and saw Vincent, with his arms crossed. “You’re late,” He said, in his usual monotonous voice. I sheepishly smiled at him, and attempted fixing my hair. “Sorry, I slept in-” I murmured. He looked me up and down, and then looked at me. “It’s fine.” He walked past me to the kitchen, and closed the door behind himself. I set my bag next to the door frame in the room, making sure to close it after. I hurriedly walked over to grab the trays filled with food already, and walked to the tables, serving them. I glanced over at Vincent’s office every once in a while. I still had the key to it, so maybe tonight? “Sir? Sir, over here please!” I snapped out of thought, and walked over.

5 hours later…

   I stayed in the alleyway beside the bistro, my head down, and knees pulled tightly against my chest. I kept the small cries that slipped out my mouth quiet, afraid to cause any attention to be drawn to where I was.

   A man and his wife entered the bistro, with a little one in her arms. Her brown hair, and eyes reminded me of Manon a bit, but I pushed the thought out. They took a seat, and as expected, they asked for a highchair for the little one. I got one, and placed it down. While asking for their orders, they’d occasionally gush about their child or their love. ‘Really pushing it, huh? Is it real love if you have to talk about it every breath just to reassure yourself?’ I froze, standing still at that thought. The woman asked me if I was alright, and I nodded a bit, excused myself to get their food, and walked out here, to fucking understand where that came from..

   “What’re you doing out here, now? Was being late not enough?” I jumped at the cold voice, and looked up at the figure in front of me. He held a cigarette in his hand, not too far away from his mouth, but kept his gaze fixated on me. “Sorry.. I took an early break…” I said, glancing away, feeling guilty. I put my hand through my hair, and kept it there, resting on top of my head. I could only imagine what he was thinking of, as he looked me up and down. “This one time, you’re going to be covered by one of the others, alright? But you are to stay at work, in the employee room, for the rest of the day, okay?” I glanced up at him, and nodded. He walked back inside, and I stayed put for a little while, then got up as well. I discreetly went to the employee room, and flopped onto the couch, laying on my stomach, resting my head on the arm rest. 

   I glanced at the date on the calendar in the other end of the room. It was September 27th, and the last time I had talked to her was on July 8th. I put my pocket watch away, and buried my face into the arm rest. Should I just stop calling.? Have this be the last day I ever do..? I curled up a bit, hugging my arms around myself, and felt the lump in my throat worsen, but I kept my mouth shut. The door to the room opened, and I quickly looked up towards it. Vincent looked towards me, and we both looked at each other, silent. I wiped my face with my sleeve, and sat up. Vincent quietly cleared his throat, and glanced around the room. “The bistro is closed,” He told me, looking back at me, making eye contact with me. “You’re to clean it, and stay for however long you’d want here. If you need anything, I’ll be in my apartment, above the building. Only get me if it’s an emergency.” He walked out of the room, leaving the door ajar. I guess it is only fair that I have to stay to clean.. I got up from my embarrassing position, straightened my clothes out a bit better, and walked out with the broom.

24 minutes later…

   While cleaning, I glanced towards Vincent’s office. It had its usual dim light that was always on, and the door was again, slightly open a crack. I stayed where I was, in the middle of sweeping the last of the floor I had to, fixated on the sight. I reached my hand down to the pocket of my pants, and pulled the key out from when I had found it in his room. I quietly set the broom against a chair, and walked to the door, opening it further, and looking in. He wasn’t in there of course, so I was clear to go. I quickly went over to the freezer door, and opened it with the key. As it swung open, I noticed it was rather dark in the room, and I hadn’t brought a flashlight. I shrugged it off a bit, and pushed the door fully open so that the dim light could flood in. As it did, I noticed a golden glisten on the ground. Curious, I walked in, and picked the locket up. Looking it over, I slowly started to realize. I hesitated, but then opened it. In it was a cut picture, so it could fit in the heart shape of the locket.

   Me on one side, Manon on the other..

   It was hers.. It was covered in blood, dried blood. I looked over to the back right corner of the room, and noticed crumpled papers on the ground, also covered in blood. I picked one up, and uncrumpled it. It had been damp, and the ink had worn away a bit, but I could make out the signature at the bottom.

   -Love Always,

   I quickly picked up the others, and they all were pretty much the same.

   -I Love You,

   -Your Love,

   As I stared at all the notes, trying to read, and make out what had been written, the light in the office turned on behind me.

~Taste~ (Vincent×Rody)Where stories live. Discover now