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Her father never took her seriously, but she is not exaggerating when she says that she is terrified of the dark, her greatest fear. The footsteps that can be heard on the stone stairs leading to her dungeon sound like a relief. Her fear of the dark is greater than the fear of death, which sounds like a solution to all the problems she is currently experiencing, partly due to her father who always treated her as if she were less. The mysterious object that makes her shiver from the cold in the dungeon beneath the castle is a mystery to her. The reason for her kidnapping and imprisonment is an object she has no knowledge of but is asked about. Her head slowly rises and her eyes make contact with those of the man behind the mask, his posture terrifying, his eyes perhaps even more so. Empty, dark brown like the dark which scares her so much. Her knees are drawn up while her arms hold them in place, the iron chain around her ankle chafing with every movement."Where is your father?" His voice calm but he is anything but calm, he is furious, the wounds on his body from his punishment burn under the cape. The cut running across his face pressed against the mask, the cold steel as cooling. but that is quickly taken away by his own warm breathing. "I don't know, I swear." Her face barely visible under the hair that falls over her face like a curtain, like a kind of mask of its own, not as impressive or frightening as his. "Lies" The leather of his gloves cracks as he clenches his hands into fists, he is tired, his body aches and his patience is non-existent at the moment."I'm not lying, I don't know anything, I promise, I didn't know about the existence of an object until you brought it up, I don't know where it is." The tears rolling over her white skin create an irritation of unprecedented magnitude, her eyes with large pupils staring at him desperately, perhaps even worse.His action thoughtless and he stares at his hand around her neck providing a grip as her feet trample across the concrete. "Stop your ridiculous whining, no one will come for you, no one will come for you, NO ONE WILL COME FOR YOU." In a last attempt not to succumb to the force he exerts on her neck, she hits his chest. He falls back while his hands cover his chest, her fist leaving a wave of pain on the open wound under his clothes. Afraid of the consequences, she carefully crawls towards the man who is anonymous to her. "Sorry?" His hand grabs the back of her head, his fingers in her hair so that she feels what he feels, he pulls her head against his, pressing her nose against the cold steel. "I'll make your life hell, no one will look for you, no one will know you're here, you're alone, all alone." The words leave his mouth through clenched teeth, the wave of pain still washes over him, she holds back her tears, her watery eyes stare at the mask. "Kill me." The words softly, almost whispering, her thoughts spoken out loud. Death sounds like something that offers her redemption, not only from the man who holds her but also from the man who would never love her, left her to be murdered, her father.The silence is broken by his voice. "And offer you the easy way out? No, you are going to feel what it is like to be alone, feel what people like you made me feel for years, because of your father you are here, because of your father I have a problem." She slams into the wall as he pushes her back. He groans as he tries to get up while she looks at him wondering if her fist can really have that effect. Holding his staff aloft, the light from the candles disappears from the dungeon, after which he locks her up again and he makes his way to the stairs. "Sir? Can the light possibly stay?" With his back turned to her, a silence follows, a silence in which she hopes for a second that her question will be accepted, but he walks on without answering, taking the light with him.His footsteps can be heard in the dark as he makes his way upstairs. Leaning against the door frame, he looks at his hand, which he had been clasping against his chest until now, to see how big the wound on his chest really is. The red substance drips onto the floor and for a second he thinks about walking back downstairs and unleashing his anger on the girl who in his eyes is partly to blame for his pain, but he is interrupted. "He's nowhere to be found, no one knows where he is."Theodore's eyes glide over Mattheo's body, but he knows it is better not to ask anything, to let him suffer in silence. "That stupid bitch downstairs says he doesn't know anything either." His breathing is rapid due to the pain, his hands are sweating. "Shall I kill her?" It feels like revenge for his friend who stands unrecognizable in the door frame. "No, not yet and I'll do it myself." Theodore nods his head submissively. "Don't wait too long or your father will find her and do it."One week, one week and then he kills her, whether he has his answers or not. "I'll kill her in a week, maybe she knows something after all, it almost has to be." Theodore bares his teeth visibly and looks at his friend who hides his face behind a mask and he knows why. "That's generous of you, be careful not to get too generous." If he hadn't winced in pain he would have punched him now."What do you mean by that?" Theodore's facial expression changes. "Just that you're normally ruthless and she would have been dead already." His attitude nervous "Look at me, she's going to die, just worry about her father so I don't have to kill you." His eyes focused on his friend who no longer recognizes him, his friend who has been by his side since they were eleven. He deliberately leaves out the part where she hit him, normally he would have killed her at that moment but the pain was too intense, he is too tired and she might be able to offer him information.He walks past his friend who is watching him as he pulls himself up via the railing on the way to his room, his own cell. When he finally reaches his room and closes the door behind him, a grunt leaves his mouth as he carefully takes off his clothes and looks at the wound on his chest that is bleeding profusely from the fist she gave him."bitch." Mumbling, he stumbles to the bathroom, his mask on his face unable to look at himself. His face even more damaged, The mask is his new face, the last thing she will see when he kills her.

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