The beginning (2/3)

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~Crux pov~

As days turned into weeks, I found myself subjected to a series of grueling experiments at the hands of the mad scientist.

Each day brought new horrors, as the scientist sought to unlock the secrets of my latent power.

I gritted my teeth against the agony as the scientist prodded and probed, my every move calculated to push me to the brink of despair.

"You're making a mistake," I gasped through clenched teeth, my voice strained with pain.

The scientist merely chuckled in response, his eyes alight with a twisted fervor.

"Oh, but you see, my dear subject, pain is a necessary part of the process. Only through suffering can true power be achieved."

My fists clenched in frustration as I fought against the restraints that bound me to the cold metal table.

U refused to give the scientist the satisfaction of seeing me break.

But despite my resolve, the pain was relentless, searing through my veins like wildfire.

Each experiment brought me closer to the edge, threatening to consume me in a maelstrom of agony.

"I won't let you win," I vowed through gritted teeth, my voice a defiant whisper against the cacophony of pain.

The scientist merely laughed, a sound that sent shivers down my spine.

"Oh, but my dear subject, you've already lost. You're nothing but a pawn in my game, and soon you will serve a greater purpose than you could ever imagine."

My heart sank at the scientist's words, but even in the depths of despair, a flicker of hope remained.

I knew that I couldn't give up, not when so much was at stake.

With every ounce of strength I possessed, I fought against the pain, determined to endure whatever trials lay ahead.

For he knew that only by surviving the darkness could I hope to emerge into the light once more.

As the days dragged on, my endurance was put to the test.

Each experiment seemed more torturous than the last, leaving me drained and battered both physically and mentally.

Yet, amidst the pain and suffering, a glimmer of defiance burned bright within me.

"I won't break," I muttered under my breath, my voice hoarse from screaming.

"No matter what you do to me, I won't give in to your twisted desires." The scientist's eyes gleamed with malice as he observed me struggle.

"Ah, but you underestimate the power of my experiments, dear subject. You will bend to my will, whether you like it or not." But I refused to cower in the face of the scientist's threats.

With every fiber of mu being, I resisted, drawing strength from the memories of my family and friends, the thought of them giving me the will to endure.

As the days stretched into weeks, I resolve remained unshaken.

Despite the pain and suffering he endured, I clung to the hope that one day, I would find a way to escape this living nightmare.

As the days of experimentation wore on, a peculiar change began to manifest within me.

My once jet-black hair began to fade, transforming into a pristine shade of white, reminiscent of freshly fallen snow.

At first, I was bewildered by the sudden alteration in his appearance.

I studied my reflection in the cold, metallic surfaces of the laboratory, running trembling fingers through my newly transformed locks.

~3rd person pov~

In addition to Crux hair turning a pristine shade of white, two pale scaley white tendrils sprouted from his back, their appearance both mesmerizing and unsettling.

Crux stared in astonishment at the appendages protruding from his body, his mind reeling with a mixture of awe and apprehension.

"What... what's happening to me?" he murmured, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

The scientist's sinister laughter echoed through the chamber, sending a chill down Cryx's spine.

"Ah, my dear subject, it seems that my experiments have yielded even more fascinating results than I anticipated," the scientist taunted, his eyes gleaming with malicious delight.

But Crux refused to be intimidated by the scientist's cruel mockery.

Though fear gnawed at his insides, he clenched his fists, determination burning bright within him.

"These... these tendrils," Crux began, his voice steady despite the turmoil raging within him.

"They may be a part of your twisted experiments, but they won't control me. I will harness this power, and I will use it to break free from your grasp." The scientist's grin widened as he observed Crux's defiance.

"Oh, how delightful," he purred, his voice dripping with malice.

"It seems that my little subject has grown some semblance of a spine. But mark my words, dear Y/n, your newfound power will be your downfall."

With a final, chilling laugh, the scientist turned and left the chamber, leaving Crux alone with his thoughts and the ever-present specter of his uncertain fate.

But despite the darkness closing in around him, Crux stood tall, his resolve unyielding.

For he knew that even in the face of unimaginable adversity, he would never lose sight of his ultimate goal-to break free from the shackles of his captivity and emerge as the hero he was destined to be.

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