Chapter 41. Vo Kaali Raat

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John's POV


"Smile" I clicked the picture as the local crowd of Rajasthan, India smiled at my camera

Seeing them,a smile came across my face

Sitting back on the royal horse, I travelled towards my destination

Upon reaching, my eyes couldn't take in the beauty in front of me. It was something I had never seen. The details of the palace were too magnificent making one look at it in awe

"Khamma Gani, Rajasa is waiting for you, we shouldn't keep him waiting for too long" a guy dresses in a traditional outfit came to handover my bags to the servant. I was impressed by his accent, it was clean and understandable

He took me inside the palace and I couldn't help but capture the place.

"Aiyein Aiyein, Mehemano ke liye sharbat laao" I heard a voice, dominance dropped from his words

I joined my hands in a namaste, "Very pleased to see you again, king" to which the king laughed and hugged me, "you're like an old friend now, drop the formalities. Call me Aarav"

I smiled back and we started talking about the potraits which he wished for

My eyes fell on the guy who received me at the gate earlier. He looked like a really important person as I could see him ordering the servants around and they even seem to follow his orders

"That is Veer Arora, my good friend" the Raja said and I sent a smile in his way

I was walking around the palace when my eyes fell on her.

She was enchanting. She was running behind a small child and laughing all the way. Her laughter echoed in the walls of the palace filling it with life

"Will you click a picture for me?" A voice startled me as I looked back and stared at the person


"Are you a royal blood?" The guy clenched his jaw and pinched the tip of his nose before looking back at me

"No. But my child is" he said

Was he drunk in the middle of that day? I thought of ignoring him when he kept a hand on my shoulder and dragged me to follow him

I didn't say a word because I knew he was someone close to the king and I didn't wanted to upset the king as I really needed my yearly palace pictures

He took me to a dark room and there sat a women, her back facing me as she rocked a baby in her hands who was crying out loud

My instincts told me to get the fuck of out here, but I couldn't do so as the motherfucker closed the door behind me

"Who's picture?" I asked him

"The three of us. We're a family" he sat beside the women and signalled her to turn around

I couldn't help but recognise her as I myself have drawn a few portraits of her. She's the queen. Wife of the the king

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