Chapter Four

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Cana and Bacchus stayed with them for the rest of the night. They continued drinking and reminiscing about old times. Cana had found it hysterical when she found out Gray had thought Juvia and Gajeel had been together, she was almost outraged that Gray had spoken to her about it before assuming. Cana had been in touch with Levy on and off since high school, they weren't close, but she was glad to catch up with Juvia about them as well.

Juvia was having a really good time with them, Gray was completely relaxed now, he was exactly like the Gray she once knew. Laughing without a care and flashing her the smiles she had always loved. He was bashful, in front of his friends though, there hands were both on the table, mere centimetres away from each other, but neither of them would take the move to hold each other's hands. She could see him glance at them now again though, like he wanted to but couldn't, he had when they were alone, but with Cana and Bacchus here, he had gone shy.

It had felt like no time at all, but it was near closing time, Juvia was starting to get conscious that was due at work in the morning. She didn't want the night to end, she didn't want to be the one to end it either.

'Well, I'm beat!' Cana rested her head on Juvia's shoulder, 'I need to use the little girl's room and then we should be off.' She reached a drunken arm towards Bacchus who grinned back at her.

'Juvia, wanna come with?' Cana flashed her a look as Juvia nodded in agreement. They slipped out of the booth and headed up the stairs to the toilets, leaving the men behind at the table. Cana was drunk, but she could handle her alcohol a lot better than Juvia could, there were a few times where Juvia thought she might miss a step on the way up, but Cana supported her as they laughed together.

They stood at the sink with one another after, washing their hands in unison in a bit of an awkward silence.

'Oh Juvia! You have no idea how happy I was to see you with Gray this evening!' Cana threw her arms around the bluenette's neck, pulling her into a tight embrace.

Juvia blushed, returning the hug with Cana. 'Really? I wasn't sure if you were just saying that earlier.' Cana pulled away, noticing the bashful look on Juvia's face.

'Are you kidding? I meant what I said earlier, I really thought you guys were end game, I remember being so angry when I heard about him and Lucy, I nearly had a go at him. I wish I had now! Then I would have found out about the Gajeel thing! I mean how ridiculous!' Cana put her arms on her hips in annoyance and Juvia could only laugh.

'I never thought he liked me like that honestly, I always thought he had a bit of a thing for Lucy, so I wasn't surprised.' Juvia gave a sad smile, niggling doubt creeping back into her mind.

'Oh, definitely not! She went after him actually, I've spoken to him about this since their breakup, he's always regretted not going for you back in school. That's why I told him to reach out to you! He hasn't stopped talking about you since he saw you break up with your boyfriend.' Cana leant back against the sink, a grin on her face.

Juvia blushed again, this just seemed too good to be true, she wasn't sure if Cana was just saying all of this because she was drunk.

'So, what do you think of him now, have you had fun tonight?' Cana smiled coyly at her again.

Juvia felt the lump in her throat and her words stutter. 'Of... Of course, I've always really liked Gray, I suppose... I suppose I'm just worried that he is using me as a rebound from Lucy.' She smiled sadly at Cana whose shocked expression put her at ease.

'Are you joking? Absolutely not! Christ if you had seen him at Christmas, he is well and truly over that slut.' Cana's words were laced with venom as she spoke about Lucy.

Juvia was shocked, 'I thought you and Lucy were friends?'

Cana rolled her eyes, 'Oh fuck no. We got on fine in high school, but I never liked her with Gray. Plus, I'm best friends with Lisanna, and when she fucked her and Gray over with Natsu, I can't stand the girl. Gray and Natsu are like my brothers, and now they can't stand each other, it's a whole mess.' Cana smoothed out her hair in the mirror as she spoke, she was getting more heated by the moment. She took a deep breath before focusing on Juvia again.

Juvia had forgotten that Natsu and Lisanna had been together, they'd been together since the start of high school, childhood sweethearts. It made what happened even worse.

'Can I be honest with you Juvia?' Cana looked at her seriously. Juvia swallowed nervously at the intensity of it.

'Of course.' Juvia played with her straw hat absently in her hands.

'I think Lucy used Gray to get to Natsu. She always had a thing for him. Gray realised that at Christmas. It's really affected his self-confidence, he may not show it, but it has. I really hope things work well with you and Gray, you're not a rebound, trust me. I think you'll be really good together.'

Juvia blushed deeply, she felt honoured that Cana thought so much of them. 'Thank you, my feelings for him have come back twice fold, I hope he wants to see me again.' She joined hands with Cana, both smiling with one another.

There was an excited smile on Cana's face. 'Amazing! I actually can't wait! Trust me! I've seen the way he's been looking at you when you're not looking, he's crazy about you! We should head back to them and find out what they've been talking about.' Cana flashed her a coy smile. 'Oh! Give me your number quickly as well so we can be in contact! I want to know all the details!'

They exchanged phone numbers, giggling with one another as they headed out to where Gray and Bacchus were waiting. 

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 16 ⏰

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