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Tzuyu " Miss sana?? Weren't you a biology teacher?? "

Sana " I was being a con, I was there to kill people for your father"

Tzuyu " Kill people? "

Sana " Your father makes corporate bonds by killing this is his main business Tzuyu"

Father " Um you didn't have to be that straightforward, but yes sweetheart I kind of sometimes have to kill a few people "

Father " But what is point worthy I do maintain corporate bonds you see"

Tzuyu " I.... "

Tzuyu stood up and rushed outside the restaurant, their father signal's sana to go and check upon tzuyu, Sana rolls her eyes and follows her trail.

sana " you good?"

tzuyu " you're asking me if im good?, i just got to know my father kills people, oh god mom should have taken up my custody, but she'd let me go to a man like him? "

tzuyu breaks down, tears rolls down her cheek, sana felt awkward but she tries to calm her down by patting her back

Sana " it's fine if you don't want to do this job, i'll convince him to give this to your elder sister"

Tzuyu stopped crying at once, her face which was just right now filled with agony and pain, the emotions quickly dropped into jealousy and anger, tzuyu as growing up was always compared to her elder sister, she hated her from the core of her heart. she could kill her, if she could.

she threw away the morals she held and at once agreed to help her father in work.

morning already, you already planned to bunk class and sleep till evening, the door bell rings continuously , it was so irritating, you woke up and yelled

y/n " Nayeon! Someone at the door"

nayeon " Must be the milkman "

y/n " Milkman? Are you drunk"

nayeon " I asked the shop owner to drop milk every morning"

nayeon says while she walks in y/n room, she was searching for something, already dressed, y/n squints her eyes.

y/n " Huh you are already dressed "

nayeon " College? Idiot you forgot? "

nayeon rushes out the room to attend the door, it wasn't the milkman it was sana.

nayeon " Sana??? "

Sana " I need to give some stuff back to y/n"

Nayeon " Uh whatever "
nayeon had began to feel awkward around sana, since sana proposed, she tried avoiding sana as much as she could, she even skipped her morning coffee and rushed out to college. but now as the apartment was all empty sana went to your room and hugged you.

Sana " Good morning my love! "

Y/n continues to snore

Y/n continues to snore

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My dear teacher ( YANDERE sana X reader)Where stories live. Discover now