Chapter Eight:No longer holding Back?

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It's been a bit after the little challenge I had with horikita, I was with her waiting for the results to run it in her face that I won.

Even before the results did get announced there was no chance I would've lost, considering who I am, and who my opponent is.

Which was an arrogant child in a teenagers body somehow, I rubbed it in her face after it got announced that I was the only one who aced every subject.

Someone else also aced 1 subject, which was mathematics, and no it wasn't horikita.

It was ayanokoji, believe it or not he actually tried just for that subject, I assume he also had a challenge against horikita so she probably lost twice in one day.

After a while of enjoying our little vacation (which was real this time, not like the cruise one), a new event got announced.

The sports festival.

An event where students of each year competed for class points and such, it was mainly a way to test out the students's physical ability.

Another boring event as it wouldn't pose any challenge to me, did you ever think about how tough it is being as strong and smart as I am?

Nothing interests me anymore, life's so bland even at this competitive elite high school, hell I might even have to get 'friends' to cure my boredom.

I got a message from the student council president, horikita Manabu, requesting that I come to the student council office right away.

'This might be interesting', I thought to myself, although anything could happen, since I joined the student council, he might just want me to do his shitty paperwork again which I always weasel out of.

I started speed walking to the office thinking of the possibilities of what he wanted from me.

Did he want me to meet someone special?
Or maybe tell me about the sports festival?

Shaking those thoughts away as I was in front of the council's door, without knocking instantly barge in like I owned the place.

"Quite an entrance you had there kōhai " a new voice spoke, I hadn't heard it before so I scanned the room and found 4 people, two of which I already knew, them being Manabu and Tachibana.

The other two were completely new faces.

One of them was a male who had blond hair covering his probably large forehead, he had a look of superiority on his face.

What's with people and superiority complexes in this school god damn!

The other one who spoke was the girl, who had silverfish long hair and a smirk plastered on her face, the look of a complete narcissist.

These two were probably second years, what could they be possibly doing in the student council office?

I doubt Manabu was stupid enough to let those two into the student council, they both don't fit at all for what Manabu was looking for.

I looked over at Manabu and gave him a small smile which pretty much implied that I wanted answers to what was going on.

I looked over at Manabu and gave him a small smile which pretty much implied that I wanted answers to what was going on

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