Chapter 2

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A little bit later, Alyssa had been brought up to a room. Dr. McAndrew and a male nurse was helping her get settled.

"This is my fault." Alyssa said. "I made myself this ill because I didn't know how to manage my own illness."

"This is not your fault, Alyssa. You shouldn't have had to deal with this completely on your own." Adam assured her. "We'll get you set up with an insulin drip. For now, I think it's best for you to have continuous insulin going into your system until we can get your blood sugar more stable and under control. And we have a private chef mainly for our patients with eating disorders, so since with your illness requires a specific diet, we'll have your meals prepared by the private chef."

"How long will I have to stay here?" Alyssa asked.

"It'll be a while." Adam answered. "As I said before, we need to make sure your blood is stable and under control."

Alyssa nodded.

"How are her vitals, Kenji?" Adam asked the nurse.

"Her blood sugar has gone down and is normal." Kenji replied. "She does still have a bit of a fever."

"I'm still a bit tired, too." Alyssa added.

"Alright, we'll give you something to bring your fever down and you can get a little more rest." Adam said with a soft smile. "We'll check on you a bit later."

"Was the nausea because of my diabetes?" Alyssa asked.

"It could have been, but there could also be something else going on." Adam said. "But, don't worry about that right now. We can discuss that when you're feeling a bit better."

Alyssa nodded.

"Get some rest." Adam said with a soft smile before walking out of the room with Kenji.

There were two female nurses by the nurses station near the room. Nurse Jackson and Nurse Brittany.

"New patient?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah. That's Alyssa Newton." Adam answered. "She has Type 1 Diabetes."

"What happened?" Brittany asked.

"Came in this morning with nausea and a fever." Kenji replied.

"Where are her parents?" Jackson asked.

"They're not around. She's in the foster system." Adam explained. "I've called the group home she was in to let them know she was here and I've called CPS. They'll send someone tomorrow."

"No one from the group home brought her in?" Jackson asked.

Adam shook his head.

"She's a runaway." Kenji said.

"The people of the group home said they don't want to deal with runaways, so they dobt want her back." Adam added. "And Alyssa specifically they didn't want to deal with anymore because she's sick. Alyssa has basically been trying to take care of her illness on her own for the past ten years since she's been diagnosed. Which is ultimately why she's ended up in the hospital."

"How can people be so cruel?" Brittany said.

"It's unfortunate, but it's pretty common with foster kids." Jackson said. "Foster homes and people looking to adopt don't want to deal with sick kids."

"Do you want me to order some tests?" Kenji asked Dr. McAndrew.

"Not yet." Adam replied. "Let her sleep. Just get her on an insulin drip and we'll deal with the rest of the tests later."

Kenji nodded.

Emma approached her room and stopped when she saw the newcomer.

"I have a roommate?" She asked the others.

"Yes." Adam said. "Her name's Alyssa. I figured you two would be good company to each other."

"Oh." Emma said. "Is that a problem?" Adam asked.

"No, I don't have an issue with it." Emma said. "Does she, uh, have anorexia?"

"Emma, you know I can't discuss anything about a patient's medical condition." Adam said.

"Right. Sorry." Emma said before going into her room.

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