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Heaven Marie Merrit Say yes to HeavenChapter 3

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Heaven Marie Merrit
Say yes to Heaven
Chapter 3

My heart was pounding out of my chest.

I opened the door and stared up at Chris who was just staring back down at me.

He must have just woken up because his silky brown hair was a messy mop on his head. His soft lips didn't look as soft as usual and his eyes were sleepy.

I didn't say anything, just stepped aside so he could come in and once he was in I closed the door behind us and we went upstairs to my bedroom.

We sat on opposite ends of my bed. Although I wanted to be next to him, I wanted to kiss him and tell him I loved him.

"Heaven we can't be together," he said quietly. It was slow but just above a whisper so I could hear.

My whole world came crashing down around me and I was ready to cry. The tears pierced my eyes making them sting. My throat seemed to have nails in it I could hardly speak.

"Why?" I finally whispered.

"I'm no good for you-"

"No why? Why did you treat me like your girlfriend for a whole year? Why did you lead me on for a year! Huh Chris!" I was now in his face.

My sadness turned into anger and my anger into rage. I was more mad than sad. I just wanted to cry into his arms while I punched him.

"I'm sorry Heaven," he spoke softly. He stood up to leave but I punch him in the chest making him turn around.

I couldn't say anything, I couldn't think anything. I was just trying to hurt him how he hurt me. "So what I mean nothing to you Chris! Huh!" I yelled at him. I hated him so much but I just didn't want him to go.

If he left this would be official.

"You mean the world to me Heaven!" He yelled back grabbing my arms so I would stop hitting him. "You do understand how much you mean to me which is why I can't be with you." The change in his voice calmed me but made me madder.

Within 5 minutes he was gone.

Within 5 minutes my heart was ripped from my chest and throw onto the pavement.

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Say yes to Heaven| Chris SturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now