" just for living her life "

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As I almost turned the corner I had my head down so the blood would just drip off my face then on my clothes that already had blood I  heard boys talking so I immediately pulled my head up and saw pony , Johnny and Dallas walking towards me I made eye contact with Johnny first since pony and Dallas were looking around and he tapped Dallas on the shoulder and whispered something to him .

Dallas eyes immediately shot towards me and i turned around " oh shit oh shit " I thought I could taste the blood as I mumbled those words
" HAVEN!! " I heard pony say I stoped right in my tracks as I heard pony jogging up to me " hey haven what are you-  why are you looking down ?".

"Uhhh no reason" I said still looking down 
Johnny and Dallas caught up and then Dallas said " hey doll why'd you just take off "
He then lifted up my face examining it " did you get into a fight on your way there " he chuckled
" uh no my dad caught me in the house and yk "
I said trailing off Johnny and pony both stopped chattering and looked at me .

I grabbed Dallas hand that was under my chin and placed it down and wiped my face . " no I don't know what you mean." Said Dallas sternly
"I'm fine " I said "no your not haven your bleeding gallons out your face " said pony .

"Don't be dramatic " I said "and uh your face is purple a little .." said Johnny  I immediately placed my hand over my face  " what exactly did your dad do ?" Asked pony " well he didn't do this " I said trying to lie " I just fell and the stitches must of just opened up " I said trying to fake laugh they all stared at me not even fazed by my lie " then why is there a handprint". Dallas said touching my face "ow" I said as he tried to lightly turn my face .

"Well ." I said trying to think of a lie "hmm how about we go back to pony's house and stitch me right back up " I said as I began walking "I guess we should just take her back since she is bleeding a lot " I heard pony try to whisper to Dallas " you would think her old man would wonder where she was or why she has that cut on her face in the first place " Dallas huffed out angrily.

We all walked in silence as I watched the drops of blood leave a trial as we approached the Door I reached to open it but someone else had gotten to it from the other side " yeah well I'm gonna go take a smoke " it was my sister .

She laughed as she turned her head and saw my face she immediately stoped laughing " oh my Jesus what happened to your face ! " she said grabbing my face " I just fell im alright " I said and she looked " no you didn't THERES A HANDPRINT " she cooled herself and said " Darry can you cleanup her face "  Lana said I could here the anger in her voice

I sat on the couch as Darry started doin whatever he was doing " Dallas . I thought u told you TO GO WITH HER what was the point of going with her is she comes back with a smack right across her face !!?" She yelled slightly "man I got distracted and when I turned around she was gone " he said taking a drag from his cigarette " yeah distracted by a girl." I mumbled .

"What was that haven " Lana asked sweetly as her head turned I could see Dallas looking at me he looked like he was sweating buckets " nothing " I said cooly as I sunk back into the couch " haven tell me right now did dad do this "
"No " I said

"Haven tell me " she said more sternly

" he didn't ." I said with a slight annoyed tone

"Haven DONT lie to me "

" OK FINE HE DID WHO CARES HES BEEN DOIN IT FOR 3 YEARS AND NOW YOU CARE sure didn't well you were living your life here with that soda guy ." I said I could see the tears form in her eyes " I'm .. sorry " I said sitting back in the couch since I had somehow managed to get around Darry and stand up .

" Haven she was just trying to help ." Said sodapop " help with what . What is she gonna do"
I said Darry and had finished up already and was now just sitting on the floor looking down " she hasn't  " helped " for 3 years " GOD why did I keep saying that maybe it was cause all those feelings and things I didn't say at first and now I wanted to and it felt good to get those off my chest .

I didn't want Lana to feel guilty

For just living her life

As the tears fell from my sisters eyes she quickly wiped them away and began to walk off " Lana I'm really sorry I didn't mean to say those things "I said getting up and following her she stopped and turned around " it's ok I understand that your mad and I'm mad at me to " she said walking into hers and sodas room and closing  the door .

Then pony yelled " Dang haven why do you gotta be such a problem " im guessing he meant to keep that in his mind but that's probably what every was thinking " god pony why'd you have to be such a WUSS and not fight back for yourself ." I spat out I gave him a look that was filled with angry " I didn't have to save you " I said walking closer to him " but I did and you can't hate me for it but I don't care  and maybe I shouldn't have saved you I wouldn't have gotten these nasty scars and a sprained rib  FOR YOU ! " everyone was silent and pony was staring at me with eyes I couldn't read I walked towards the door .

" haven come back it's ok pony didn't mean that" said Darry sternly and softly at the same time

" like hell he didn't " I said

As I opened the door and slammed it and began walking to who knows where hopefully a car could hit me cause I made my sister sad and i embarrassed myself in front of everyone  especially Dallas who I was mad at but still liked .

As I was walking away or storming away I heard slight jogging behind me . " oh shit I'm in deep shit right now If that's a soc or socs." I thought as I turned my head back slightly revealing it to be

A cliff hanger LOLLLL stop I'm so funny with these cliffhangers I should be put in a comedian thingy ☺️

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