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Authors note:

Due to a lot of demand, this story is a Mintyrina one shot. DW larina babies, the next update is for yall.

Marina's POV

I was sitting in the plane looking at the window thinking about my dreams slowly being fulfilled and trust me it is the best feeling ever. I am coming home to the Philippines right now since my shows are already done. I miss home, I miss my friends, I miss my family and I for sure miss someone who is once my home. The plane landed at the airport and I was so excited about the thought of seeing my friends and family. 

I looked around the airport as I'm finding Eva who is going to pick me up here at the airport, minutes of looking around I saw her playing with her phone, I laughed and walk towards her.
"Bitch, how would you find me if your so drawn to your phone?" I said as I slapped her arm slightly. "Where's the hello? Hi? How are you?" She responded as she laughed and gave me a big hug.
"I missed you so much" I whispered quietly. "I miss you too,  now let's go to my car, they're already waiting for you there in the house" She said as she helped me carry the luggages that I have.

"So you know how to drive now huh?" I teased as soon as we both entered the car since the luggage are already at the back. "Bitch, of course I know" She responded laughing at me. She started to drive. "Drive safely I don't wanna die yet, I still want to see our friends and my family ugh i miss them so much" I stated as she laughed "hm, are you sure they're the only ones you missed?" Eva asked teasingly. "Shut up, I mean yeah I do miss her, since that day we had a talk and me confessing I have to go in UK for the show, we drifted apart." I muttered missing the feeling of talking to her again

"You two drifted apart or you let you two drift  apart?" Eva asked and I was so stunned by the question that I couldn't even answer it. "We're just friends anyway" I responded playing with my fingers and looking out of the car window. "Why won't you admit it that you have feelings for her? God, you two already even did it countless of times and don't you dare lie about it cause you told me this when you got drunk and besides I'm Eva I know everything. Even if you didn't said it, I  would've still known cause remember that time when you said you will spend the night at Minty's and when you got home you can't even walk properly." Eva laughed. "No I said I sprained my ankle cause I walked home" I reasoned knowing it'll not work since I'm with Eva, this Bitch knows everything. "Walked? Lol knowing Minty she won't let you walk home alone since she's so overprotective and she will always drive you home." Eva countered back at me.

I sighed "Okay, you won. I'm just not ready for commitments" I muttered looking at Eva. "So yall two would just dodge your feelings with each other cause you're scared of commitments and just continue to just friends with benefits? You know, you won't die if you'll commit Marina, we all know Minty have feelings for you since then and we know she's waiting for you for how many years now. The point is that why won't you try?, Not everyone is like your ex Marina, knowing Minty, she wont do such things to you." Eva responded, glancing at me.

I didn't answered as I just stayed silent and I'm thankful Eva changed the topic since she noticed that I'm not yet ready to talk about that kind of topics. We continued to talk along the drive and laughed as we catch up with each others lives, even though me and Eva talked about things, I couldn't get Minty out of my head.

After a long ride, we already got home. I hurriedly got out of the car and entered the house excited of meeting my persons for such a long time.  As I entered the house everyone was happy to see me, I gave them a hug and we were talking, chit chatting about things. I'm so happy that I'm back home now.

As I was just talking around with people who are here, I saw a familiar figure just not so far away talking to Jade and when  she moved slightly I realized who is it, Minty. I didn't know what to feel, I didn't know that she's here. Her eyes met mine and she gave me a soft smile that she damn knew that made my knees weak, I smiled back as I went to find Eva, as I saw her I quickly dragged her for us to talk.

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