Just A Show

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Marina's POV

"Are you joking or what? It's not cool Dada" I said frustrated as I sat down on the couch looking straight at La Grande Dame. "No I'm not joking baby you know that, I wouldn't joke about something like this" La Grande Dame said as I am trying to process everything that she said earlier.

"So you're going out with Tia publicly? Having her to kiss you and hold you hand with people seeing it? You don't even go out with me often and when we go out I can't even stay close to you. What the fuck is this now dada??" I angrily asked at La Grande Dame my body full of rage.

"I'm sorry Marina it's not like I want it okay?! It's the management and they want me and Tia to date for people's attention but it's just a show! It's not real okay?? It's us at the end" La Grande Dame said as she sat down facing me.

"It's just so lot to take up okay?? Why can't we just come out to the people?"
I asked shaking at what I'm feeling at the moment. "The management." Dada stated.

"It is just so unfair that you would go out with Tia and do some stuffs that we can't even do together because of the management shit, its like I've been a side chick now and even if it's just a show or fake the people still wouldn't see it that way! You and Tia will be on the public eye and I will forever be here just pretty much like a side chick or your dirty secret" I said as my voice rising higher and higher as I speaked.

"No you are not a side chick okay? This is just for some time and just a show for the ratings, please understand it Marina."

Me and La Grande Dame has been dating for 3 years going to 4 years for a couple of month, we are a happy couple and our relationship is going strong or that's what I thought about. We haven't told the public that we're dating because of the management, well that's what she's always saying. I am happy with my relationship with her at the moment but I want more. I want to tell the world that she is the love of my life, I want to go out with her holding hands and telling people how much I love her, but I can't.
I've been patient for waiting since she said that we are going to come out and that we just needed some time but don't you think 3 years is already a lot of time?. I can't even do the simpliest things that couples do outside when I'm with her and now she is telling me that the management wants Tia and her to go out publicly and just for the show. Of course I would feel frustrated about this cause I can't even go out with her properly and this adds up? It doesn't make any sense.

"How long would the fake dating would be??" I asked her looking at her eyes as I wiped my tears away. "I don't know maybe 3 months? Or it could be 5 but that's it. Can you stay with me at this moment babe? I know its hard for you but it's also hard for me knowing that I can't go out with you publicly and here I am with someone that I don't even like. I promise we will get through this Marina, maybe we could even come out after this, I am also doing this for us babe." She said holding and caressing my hand.
"Are we in this?" She asked with her voice cracking at the end.

"Yes, yes we are." I responded as we engage In a hug. We stayed In that position for a long time with comfortable silence and me thinking if how would we face this battle but I for sure know that we aren't giving up each other cause at the end of the day, or love will always be worth it.


5 months passed....

Marina's POV

"Dada?? Babeee you here where are you? I called my girlfriend as I got home from work removing my shoes and finding where she is.

"Babe upstairs!!!" She called, making me go upstairs quickly missing her as usual when I go to work. I went up to her and gave her a kiss and hug. "I have a really bad day today, It's so Tiring at work, I have to perform many lipsyncs and I kinda tripped and hit my leg somewhere" I said sitting on the bed. "Can we have a night together right now? I was thinking of just us and then order some foods for us to eat and maybe watch a movie like usual babe?" I said and waiting for Dada's respond but I saw her stand up and went to go to her closet.

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