Just A Show 2

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Marina's POV

As the rain continues to cry with me, I am here on the bench thinking everything that happened.
I hate how the situation turned out this way, I hate how the management wants La Grande Dame to date Tia for just people attention and I hate how the love of my life picked someone else instead of me, I hate how she can't speak up about our relationship and the last, I hate how I can't be able to hate her after what she's done because the bitter truth is I can never hate her, even if I would hate her In my dreams, she's still what my heart screams.

The rain continues to pour and I can't help but shiver at the cold that I'm feeling, I'm not familiar everything that's surrounds me right now and I was thinking of messaging my friend Eva and telling her to pick me up but then I realized that my purse is wet because of the rain and that means my phone is broken but thank god I have waterproof wallet. "Fuck" I muttered under my breath as I checked my phone and its not working. What a fucking day indeed. I wiped my face and told my self to calm down and as I was supposed to stand up, the rain stopped hitting me, it surprised me cause the rain isn't over yet in fact, its still heavy. I looked up and that's where I found out someone held an umbrella above me.

"Are you okay?" The person asked. "Is that how you ask someone who is crying?" I responded with a snap. "Woah, calm down I didn't know what to say and besides I'm here to give you an umbrella since I have an extra one and I saw you In this bench shivering." The person said with its voice lacing with concern. "Okay sorry, its just i am lost and its such a bad day." I said still sitting on the bench looking up at the person. "Hey maybe I can help you, I live here and besides I know every street of this place" the person stated looking down at me.

"Thanks for the offer but my parents told me not to trust and talk with strangers" I said with a scoff coming out of my mouth. "I'm minty" She introduced her name. "Minty???" I asked curiously. "Yeah why?" She responded with smirk forming in her lips. "Now with that you know my name and I am not a stranger anymore, now can I ask now what happened and where you wanna go?

"Fresh" i muttered "What did you say?" She asked confused "no I mean your name is Minty so like mints are fresh, just comes out of my mind all of the sudden" I responded. Minty chuckled, "Yeah that's me fresh" She said smiling at me. "Come on maybe I can help you here you know?" Minty offered again.

"UGH! I don't know I'm so frustrated right now and I can't contact my friend Eva, cause I'm staying there in her house" I said my as my voice laced with frustration from what's happening at the moment and I don't even know if this person can be trusted but she seems like it.

I mean she's beautiful and her eyes is like a beautiful color of chocolate brown and her smile is close to perfection and the way she dress up is chef's kiss. I snapped at my thoughts as she called me "hey??" She said waving her arms "sorry, I kinda zoned out." I said. Minty chuckled and asked "I said are you friends with Eva?? Like the Queen Eva??" She asked directly to me.
"Yeah?? Omg how do you know her?" I asked shocked as she knows my friends name.

"I'm friends with her and well I know where is her house so you're lucky that I found you here" minty said chuckling. "Oh God thankyou so much" I said smiling happily standing up and taking the umbrella that she's offered.
"Now come on ill lead the way" 

Minty walked us to her car and I was worried that I'm going to mess up her car seats but she said it's okay, the ride was peaceful and quiet. Minuets passed and now I am here at Eva's place. Minty opened the car door for me and i walked out noticing that the rain is calming down.

"Hey Thank-you for the ride, I appreciate it so much and sorry for snapping at you earlier" I said smiling and thanking Minty for her generosity.

"No it's okay, I'm happy that I helped you" She responded. "Anyway what's your name I didn't catch it up earlier"

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