Chapter 1: HE WISH FOR?

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Namjoon and Jin were both preparing breakfast together, but not without some small arguments between them.

"Why is it so hard for you to chop a carrot?" Jin complained as he snatched the knife from Namjoon and began chopping it skillfully.

"Is it my fault that the knife is slippery?" Namjoon retorted as he took a seat at one of the chairs.

"It's not the knife that's slippery, it's your hands, idiot."

After five minutes, Jimin entered the kitchen from outside after jogging.

"Wow, that looks delicious, hyung," he praised.

"Enough with the flattery, call the others," Namjoon ordered. "It's not flattery, hyung. You're even inlove with Jin hyung's cooking," Jimin teased as he ran towards his room to message the others.

At 7 am, Namjoon prepared the dining table as the others arrived together, except for Yoongi. "Where's Yoongi? Is he still sleeping?" Jin asked as he wiped his hands with his apron.

"He said he'll be here soon," Jungkook answered as he took his seat.

Jin signaled for them to go and get Yoongi from upstairs, which resulted in a chorus of whines.

"I'll go," Namjoon volunteered.

"No need, sorry for making you all wait," Yoongi walked in, wearing a poker face, but his red eyes were a clear sign that he had been crying again.

"Good morning, Yoongi. Did you sleep well?" Jin broke the silence, receiving a nod from Yoongi.

"We have practice at 9 am," Namjoon started as he took a spoonful of rice from his plate.

"I'll come," Yoongi quietly mumbled, causing the oldest and the leader to exchange glances.

"Yoongi, I know you don't want to fall behind in the choreography, but it would be better if you stayed here at the dorm to rest and focus on your recovery," Jin sternly ordered as he put another cup of rice on Yoongi's plate, earning a glare from the younger, but Jin just smiled sweetly at him.

The maknae line stifled their laughter, trying to control themselves.

After finishing their meal, they all went to their rooms to pack their bags, while Yoongi watched them.

"Joonie, let me come with you! Hurry up and convince him!" Yoongi exclaimed, making Namjoon sigh.

"Hyung, I have two reasons to refuse. One, Jin has a point, you need to rest. Two, no matter how much I beg that guy, even if I kneel down, he won't listen," Namjoon said as he pet Yoongi's hair, guiding him to sit down, while Jin arrived in the living room.

"Yoongi, did you take your pain meds?" Jin asked softly, receiving a nod from Yoongi.

"Just rest your body, okay? Sleep as much as you can and let the medication do its work," Jin gently said as he grabbed his own bag and stood up.

Yoongi began to whine and pout.

"We'll be back later, Yoongles. Don't miss us too much," Namjoon commented as he pet Yoongi's hair once again.

As they leave him, he began to feel lonely.

He listened to the music of silence. He admit that he prefers this kind of bonding with himself, but he seems to be missing something. While others are working hard, sweating, doing everything just to make their performance perfect, here he is resting, because he is weak.

Many things run to his mind, he doesn't know if being emotional is part of the side effect of his medicine, or if he's just being attacked by the truth.

Hidden(Namjin ft. little yoongi)Where stories live. Discover now