Twd Ch. 10- Chupacabra Pt.2

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*Your POV*

"Daryl, take my hand! Come on!" You reach your hand out to him

He reaches up and quickly grabs onto the edge, holding tightly onto the ground, not even acknowledging your hand.

He pulls himself up and you help him then he quickly stands up while panting heavily and looking around.

"Yeah, you better run!!" He shouts

He quickly starts walking away, down the trail, the way you both came.

"Who the hell were you talking to?? What's going on, you're freaking me out." You follow

"Nothing, I'm fine. Come on" he grumbles

You sigh and leave it alone, walking the long way back to the farm.

After a long while you both walk out of the woods, out of breath and low on energy.

Your walking a little behind Daryl, he's dragging his crossbow on the floor while walking.

You peek around him and see in the distance a group of 4 people running towards you.

Once they get close Daryl and you stop walking and you clearly see now it's Rick, T-dog, Shane, and Glenn standing in front of you both.

"Is that Daryl and Y/n?" Glenn asks

"Yeah it's us" you say breathlessly

"That's the third time you've pointed that thing at my head. You gonna pull the trigger or what?" Daryl asks

Rick sighs and lowers his pistol as well as the others relax and lower their weapons.

You slowly walk up to Daryl and are about to put your hand on his shoulder when a gunfire sounds and you both fall to the ground.

"NO!....NO! NO!" You hear Rick yell

Rick quickly comes over and couches by Daryl while Shane quickly crouches by you.

"I was kidding..." Daryl groans and swipes his finger against his bleeding side of his head

"Come on" Shane helps you up gently then puts your arm around his shoulder, his arm around your back, to help you walk.

Rick pulls Daryl up, shane helping with his other arm, and they start dragging his limp body back to the farm.

You limp beside Shane, holding on tightly to him.

"You ok?" Shane asks quietly

"Do I look okay?" You groan

You also feel the side of your head, then look down at the blood on your fingers.

"Shit.." You groan

"Oh my god! Oh my god, is he dead??" Andrea yells as she runs over with dale

You slowly look up with a shocked expression.

"Unconcious. You just grazed him." Rick says

"You shot him??-" you angrily shout

"But look at him! What the hell happened?? He's wearing ears!" Glenn points, cutting you off

Everyone looks then looks up at you slowly with questioning expressions.

"I-i dont know...something merle taught us...its how we grew up..." you mumble, still in shock.

Rick quickly grabs the ears then yanks the necklace off daryl.

"Lets keep that to ourselves.." Rick says as he shoves the necklace inside his shirt.

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