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The students started flooding inside the classroom and Y/N's social anxiety grew. Ezra noticed and rubbed his brothers hand to reassure him.

Y/N gave him a weak smile. Out of boredom, he looked around the classroom, that's until he spotted the gang of the cupheaded guy from earlier.

Their gaze met and they both narrowed their eyes to each other in distress. The guy literally reeked as his future enemy as if it was written on his forehead.

The red eyed students face gained a smirk and his gang followed his gaze shortly after. "Look at that." he chuckled as he approached the two Caddels.

Ezras gaze hardened. "What do you want Cuphead...." so that was his name. Y/N saw the blond boy just chuckled more in response. "Oh calm down Ras. Ain't doing anything just wanna"

He lowered himself a bit to get to Y/N's level where he sat. "Meet the new guy." Cuphead finished, his sweet brooklyn accent made Y/N think that it was almost to manipulate him.

Y/N's cold gaze didn't falter as in not to loose his attitude towards the guy and it was evident that neither of them liked each other on the first glance

"Cuphead leave. For both mine and his sake." Ezra pleaded yet the cold ice that laced his voice was still present and it showed. Cuphead laughed at the attitude of the elder Caddel.

"Fine, fine! Jeez, no need to go all clawed out." Cuphead said as he leaned away, a cocky grin still there even though he noticed Ezras hands got claw like in distress.

"C'mon Ez, it's not like your lil bro here is gonna be that pathetic." the cat looking dude and the rest of their gang approached.

"Felix, don't be stupid. I warned you he isn't gonna be able to control it." Ezra said as he grabbed the cat guys wirsts before he could place then on Y/N's shoulder.

Felix scoffed and scooted away along with the rest of the gang. Cuphead gave Y/N one last glare which he returned in response before he went with the gang.

Y/N huffed in annoyance and then the teacher came.

His first day and he already made enemies. But this was only a warning to know who to just watch, not bark.

Fights right now weren't exactly the things he preferred.
As the class occured, Cuphead couldn't help but sneak a glance at the young Caddel. It was just a new habit he developed by that one entire hour of the entire history class.

There was something that triggered him about the Caddels lil bro. He didn't know whether if that gut feeling was good or bad. Probably both.

But something pulled him closer to that kid. And by the rumors that spread across the school yard when the kid came he knew he had a competition. But he didn't want to jump into conclusions just yet.

His red eyes stared at the boys dark brown hair that laced with some red pigment. Those deep dark and focused eyes.

What was that kid hiding that was so important for his brothers to protect him?

Word count: 536

My Problem        Cuphead x Male!reader حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن