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~third person~

Himiko spent the rest of the period spacing out as usual, thinking about pretty much everything but  the actual lesson.

However, the topic her mind seemed to drift to the most was Tanaka. She thought about how she was about to go eat lunch with him, how she'd break the news to Yachi that she'd have to be alone today, along with other things. 

She tried to push the tingling feeling in her stomach down as she pictured the older boy. His buzzed hair, his piercing blue eyes that once intimidated her. Now, when she looked into them, all she felt was happy. Like this was what she was meant to do.

She shook the thoughts out of her head. Literally. Yachi turned her head towards the other girl, blinking with confusion. 

Himiko met her gaze, her cheeks slightly pink with embarrassment as she mouthed an apology and sulked her head into her arms, leaning on their shared desk.


Himiko found herself at the edge of her seat, staring at the seconds go by on the clock. 5, 4, 3, 2--


She shot up from her desk, quickly grabbing her stuff and making her way out of class as she hastily told a disappointed Yachi about her lunch plans. She didn't wait for her response before she walked out of class, probably way  too excited to see Tanaka.

As soon as she opened the class doors, she was jumpscared by a taller figure, nearly running straight into him. She started to squeak out an apology, but was interrupted by a familiar, deep laugh. She smiled, taking a step back to look up at him. 

"Again, really?" She bit back a laugh as her cheeks flushed ever-so-slightly due to the view in front of her. She took in his features, feeling the unfortunately familiar tingling sensation in her gut. She pushed that away as his laughter quieted. 

"So, where are we going?" Himiko said, her voice soft as she returned her gaze to her shoes. She could've sworn she heard Tanaka sigh before he began walking in front of her.

"Me and some of the team usually meet up in front of the gym," he explained as Himiko caught up to him. She hummed in response, not feeling too awkward by the silence surrounding them. Lately, this had happened somewhat often, and it left her feeling a strange sense of comfort; one that she wouldn't feel walking in silence with anyone else.

She took in the scene around her, the spring breeze hugging her skin as they walked, blowing her hair back slightly. The air outside smelled of flowers along with a faint, yet increasingly familiar, scent of cinnamon and musk. She closed her eyes for a moment, basking herself in the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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