Chapter One

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Madison's POV:

I step out of my car, closing the door behind me and locking it, walking up to May's house, getting to the fromt door, I knock on it in the same rythmic way we knock on eachothers doors everytime. I wait a moment, until I hear her footsteps and her unlocking the door, opening it. I see her beautiful smile, my immediate reaction to smile back, this girl was gorgeous, and makes me so happy, I've grown feelings for her over the years, but she was my bestfriend.... which was the problem. I wasn't sure how to tell her, I've liked her for a year now, and yet, I've still managed to not tell her or show any sign that I have feelings for her. I hated that, I want her to know, but then again I'm scared she will reject me and never talk to me again.

"Hey!" She says, in her soft tone. She pulls me in for a hug, which I gladly return. "Hey, I missed you!" I say back, still hiding that it was more than as just friends. We pull back from the hug, walking further into her house, as she had closed the door behind me when I walked in. We walked up to her spare bedroom, making sure that May had grabbed everything we needed for the beach, as she could be kind of forgetful sometimes. I list off everything we need, she nods to every one but the sunscreen. "Really? You forget the most important thing? The thing that keeps us from turning into crisps?" I ask her, looking at her in amazement.

She looks at me with her big, beautiful green eyes, "I- I really thought I put it in there... How the fuck?" She says, questioning herself. I laugh a bit, "I dont know, it's you, you can be quite forgetful sometimes.. maybe its from all the carts you ripped back in high school." i look at her sternly, before breaking and laughing, she laughs a bit too. "Yeah, you're probably right....."  Once we find the sunscreen we stuff it in the beach bag and walk back downstairs to pack some lunch and snacks.

We grab some chips, along with 3 different kinds of lunch meats, salami, turkey, and ham, my favorite. We also grab bread and water, with a few condiments, cookies too. We always make sure to pack enough food for in case we get stranded, even though we know we wont, we do it just in case. We had grabbed a lot of different kinds of things to eat and snack on, which made my stomach growl, showing that I hadn't ate yet. "You haven't ate yet." May looks at me in disappointment, like she always does when I haven't ate. I sigh, knowing she won't let me leave the house unless I eat, so I walk over to her pantry and look inside, grabbing a bag of trail mix. I grab a handful, shoving it in my mouth and start chewing, looking at May as if I was telling her 'Are you happy now?' I had stomach problems, which made it hard for me to eat breakfast, but May knew that if I ate something small it would help with that, and at least put something on my stomach.

"Alright, let's go!" She said, grabbing me by the arm and dragging me out to the garage. She had a beautiful black with hot pinks rims Porsche 911 GT3. I like some cars, and her was was definitely one of my favorites.

Once we get in and get buckled she opens the garage door and puts her car in gear, pulling out of her driveway, shutting the garage door behind us, we head for the beach. We blast music the whole way there, listening to rap, hiphop, and some freaky songs, we role the windows down, letting us get into our zones.

•     •    •

Taking my shirt and shorts off I begin to spread my towel out on the warm sand, I sit down on it, grabbing the beach bag and pulling out the sunscreen I lather myself in it. I lay back on my towel, feeling the hot sun rays beat down on my warm skin. I see May taking her clothes off in my peripheral vision, internally screaming. She had such a perfect body, I never once had been jealous of it though, not because I didn't like it, but because I wanted her body to be mine. Her too of course. I close my eyes, trying to relax, but the vision of her body under mine was so strong and beautiful I couldn't help but just imagine that for a moment....

After about 10 minutes I flip onto my stomach, letting the sun beam down on my back. I enjoy sun bathing, it keeps me nice and tanned. "Where are we wanting to go shopping at? The mall? Or just drive around to different places?" May asked me, "The mall, I haven't gone in a while." I responded back, my eyes still closed, finally able to relax. The small waves making a nice background noise, but the people in the background made it less relaxing.

10 minutes later I sit up, looking over at May, "Are you almost done? I want to swim." I ask her, we always would swim together to make sure nobody got dragged down, and if they couldn't be saved, then the other was going down with them. We were almost always together, did just about everything together, we always have, ever since middle school. We had been stuck to eachother like glue since we first met. "Yeah I'm coming." She said, standing up and walking towards the water, I followed closely behind her.

Stepping into the cold water, I shivered, slowly stepping further into it. Once we had finally got to around our waists, we stopped, not wanting to go further at the moment. Eventually I got the bright idea of splashing May, so I did, and tried to run away, but the water made it hard to. "Oh you mother fucker." She said under her breath, coming after me, splashing me back. The water was cold as fuck and made me shiver intensely, "Fuckk.. I couldn't get away fast enough." I sighed, hugging May for warmth. "Warm me." I commanded her, giggling slightly. She wrapped her arms around me, which immediately made my stomach warm and tingly, us practically skin to skin, no matter how many times we have swam together and hugged in our swimsuits it didn't matter, I still had butterflies every single time.

I pulled away from the hug, looking into her eyes, getting sucked into them. Then I snapped out of it, deciding to get out of the water, as it had been around 30 minutes that we'd been swimming. I hear May's footsteps behind me as I got to our stuff, I bend down to pick up my towel, wrapping it around me. I feel May's hands grab my waist and spin me around, I look at her in confusion, before I realize she's going to kiss me. My breath hitched in the back of my throat, not sure what to do. Her lips meet mine, and before I know it, my hands were wrapped around her neck, kissing her back, gently.

She pulls away all too quickly, I look at her wide eyed, as she is me, "I- I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that...." She says, obviously regretting the kiss, "Hey, it's okay, I haven't had the balls to do it myself to be honest.... I've liked you for around a year now." I tell her, looking down at the sand for a moment, before looking back up into her gorgeous eyes. "I've liked you for a while now too.. I didn't think you liked me back though." She said to me.

After that whole conversation we had picked up our things and walked to her car, putting everything in it and jumping in. Driving back to her house was quiet but peaceful, my hand was on her thigh the whole way. I enjoyed this, but I still wasn't sure if she wanted anything from this.

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Well? Thoughts? I'm a new author, so please tell me anything i miss spelled or miss typed, i'm open to tips as well!

i'm andi, im new to writing, i usually just roleplay, but ive decided on making a book.... mayb more if yall enjoy this one. i have a fancy bearded dragon named pancake and a confusion ball python named mango, if yall would like to see them i can introduce them a little. theyre really cute and are my babys. btw, if yall like this book, yall are gonna be my bookworms. :3

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