Chapter 9

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PLEASE READ!!! I won't be posting any chapters until Sunday or Monday because my family is going camping with our friends. Sorry :( On with the story!

Christine's POV

Waking up in a dark cave-like room, my eyes flickered on and off. I looked around and straining my eyes through the dark, managed to make out a human figure. After a few moments I tried to stand but my hands and feet burned. Tied. Great. What's going on? Am I dreaming? Yes. Must be a dream. Straining my eyes harder I made out the blonde hair on the human sitting asleep across from me. I managed to recognize the face as Lindsey's. "Psst! Lindsey!" I hissed in an attempt to wake her. She didn't move. I gave her a nice push with my tied feet and she startled awake.

"Christine?" She muttered, picking her head up. As she realized her surroundings weren't normal, she asked, "What's going on?"

"I'm not sure."

"Why are we here?"

"I don't know." 

My words seemed to linger in the dark emptiness of the cave. Suddenly, a door opened and the room was bright as the sun, blinding me and forcing me to close my eyes. Once I was able to open them again, I realized someone else had entered the room and was cutting the rope around our wrists. He/she was muttering something under their breath, "It's begun, this is bad. Bad. Very very bad."

"Who are you?" I asked.

"None of your concern. Just do everything I say, if you want to get out of here."

"What is this place?" Lindsey's shuddering voice called out.

"You must not know. I have said to much." They sighed and pulled out three flash lights, handing one to me and Lindsey. "I'm Tom" he said, and then just as I was about to ask another question clamped a hand over my mouth and put his finger to his lips signaling me to shush. "Pretend you're still tied and turn off the flashlight. Hide it behind your back" he hissed and hid in the shadow the door would make if it opened. The door opened and Lindsey and I instantly played "tied." The human figure hmmfed in the doorway and shut the door with a squeak running along the hinges.

Tom grabbed my hand and helped me up, doing the same to Lindsey. "Be careful" he warns. "It's not safe here, or anywhere close to here. Just follow me, and be light on your feet."

Lindsey and I followed him as he led us down a worn path in the cave. He pressed his hand against the wall and it pushed to the side, (I know, secret wall door cliche >.<) gesturing for us to follow him. He pulled out a box of matches and lit a torch in his hand, the light of which danced across the cave walls. As we kept walking the walls got closer to us and the ceiling grew farther away. In the distance you can hear the drip drip of the water and as I looked up, I saw a family of bats sleeping, and tucked away in their wings. Lindsey took my hand and squeezed it, signaling that she didn't like this. I squeezed her's twice, agreeing. It's like a secret language we share. 

Finally, we reached a kind of room that had a ring of stones neatly lined in a perfect circle. Sticks were put bonfire style inside of it, and a few meters to the left of it was a glistening pool of water. Tom led us to the "fireplace" and signaled for us to sit. He placed his torch on the fire and it lit up, providing heat. 

"So, what is this place?" I asked, wanting answers right then and now. 

He sighed, but muttered "My death stone." I could barely make out his words. Then he said more clearly, "Think of it like captivity. That I'm helping you escape from."

Lindsey looked at me with wide eyes. I shifted into a better position but something dug into my hip. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. "Will this help?" 

Tom gazed at my phone and said, "Perfect! We just need a signal.... but I think I know where to get one."

Lindsey and I exchanged smiles. I checked the time. 1 A.M. "We should get some sleep, it's one in the morning."

"Right." Lindsey said in the middle of a yawn. We all laid down on the hard, moist ground and fell into a deep sleep.


Erik's POV

Springing up from sleep, I grabbed my phone. What to do today. Movie? No. Walk in the park? Only with another person.... Christine! I quickly dialed her number but it came to voicemail. That's weird, she always answers. My last decision was to leave her a text.

Erik: I was wondering if u wanted 2 go hang out in the park today. Call me if u can/do.

I fell back into bed and sighed. Today is gonna be a long day.

Christine's POV

My phone screen flickered, waking me up and I noticed I had one bar. 

NEW TEXT FROM ERIK: I was wondering if u wanted 2 go hang out in the park today. Call me if u can/do.

I stood up groggily and walked around trying to get at least two bars. In the corner of the cave I manged to get a strong enough signal so I could actually call. I dialed Erik's number.



RI- "Hello?"

"Hi Erik"


"I really would love to come but I got kidna- I mean.. uhm... I'm busy. Yeah, I'm err doing... homework."

"It's summer? And I though you finished the book we had to read."

"I meant I'm... I.. I... I'm busy. I have to go."

"Wai-" I ended the call, he can't know. I'll sound like a freak. Sighing, I creeped back to the campfire which was almost out. I guess they're waking up at like 2 pm. Laying down, I fell back asleep.

Soooooo, did you like dat :D  I'm sorry again about not being able to post. If you are enjoying the story then PLEASE leave a comment or vote. It would mean the world to me and I would know you guys actually like this :/ XD. Also...... ALMOST 100 READS :DDDDDD Thank you guys so MUCH!! <3 Bye!

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 02, 2015 ⏰

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