Chapter 7

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Christine's POV
I had a simple solo to sing that was inspired by the legend of the "Chosen One". BTW I DO NOT take any credit for the song, all rights to POTO.
In sleep he sang to me,
In dreams he came
That voice which calls to me,
And speaks my name
And do I dream again,
For now I find...
The Phantom Of The Opera is there,
Inside my mind

Joseph came on stage and began to sing his part

In all your fantasies,
You always knew
That man and mystery

Are both in you

We finished the song and I smiled down at Erik in the first row of seats. I skipped off the stage but as I got behind I felt a pay of arms grab my waist and pull me into a backwards hug.

"I missed you Christine." said a familiar voice.

I know this voice... it's... it's... Raul! I turned around and crushed him into a hug.

"I missed you! Where have you been?!"

"I've been... places. But I'm here now babe."

I shivered when he said "babe". We're just childhood friends. Since when am I "babe"?!

"Erm... babe?" I asked, I didn't like Raul. I liked Erik.

"Yes...?" He replied with tension visible in his voice.

"Don't call me that" I muttered. I didn't want Raul to call me "babe"... especially in front of Erik... he's adorable. "I have to go" I pulled away from Raul and raced to meet Erik at the exit. I smiled up at him, took his hand, and we walked to a separating point together in between our homes.


Raul's POV
She pulled away from me and I just stared after her as her ringlets bounced on her back as she ran away. Did I do something? Was babe a bad label? Didn't she understand that I loved her? Women... I shook my head in amazement and trudged home, confused.

Erik's POV
We parted ways after making plans to meet at Starbucks tomorrow.

I woke up the next day, got changed after taking a shower, and shuffled downstairs to eat breakfeast. We were supposed to meet at 9:30 in Starbucks again... it's our meeting place. I wish she liked me... does she? No... I'm just a random guy with a deformed face.

I got to Starbucks and waited for her. Is she coming? Probably not... Just as I began to get lost in my thoughts the bell rang, announcing a new costumer. I smiled as Christine walked in. She bounced in the seat next to me, her curls spraying across her back.

"Hey" she said, smiling at me.

"Hello" I replied.

We just held each other's gaze for a few minutes... again. She was just so cute! She took my hand in hers and traced her thumb against my knuckles. I just smiled and wrapped my arm around her. Today was going to be perfect. She just got me, even though I have some weird mask in my face. She just seemed to understand.

Raul's POV
I sat on my bed, trying to sort things through my mind. I was just too stressed... I'm just gonna go to Starbucks. I shrugged on a jacket and got there in 5 minutes... new record, but the first thing I saw angered me like a house blazing in the midst of the night. Christine, my Christine was holding hands and cuddling with some freak with a mask. I trudged up to their table, my face red with anger and I punched him in the face. Christine gasped and jumped out of her chair and picked the guy's head up in her lap. I pushed her aside gently, and pulled the guy up by his shirt collar and stood him on his feet. The part of his face not covered by a mask was already swelling and turning a purple color around his eye.

I smirked and punched him in the stomach, making him fall to the floor in pain with a grunt.

I heard a voice say, "Raul, what are you doing?!!!" but I ignored it and reached my hand down to pull of his scrawny mask. What I found was unbelievable. His face was just... woah! BTW I love all of my viewers, and this isn't meant to be offensive <3 Back to the story!
He was hideous! After I finished my though he grabbed his mask from the floor and sprinted out of the door, tears streaming down his face.

Turning around in accomplishment, I was about to pull Christine into a tight hug but she pushed me away... hard.

"I can't believe you! I never thought you can be so rude, what's wrong with you?!" She screamed in my face as she raced out the door, pushing me to the side.

Those words stung like bees in my heart. Was she crazy? I was doing her a favor, getting her away from that freak.

Erik's POV
I collapsed on my bed, my pillow muffling my sobs. I heard knocks on the door but I ignored them. Today was possibly the worst day in my whole entire life.

Ahaha drama... if you hate me now then don't worry... 😏😁 I love all of my readers! And I finally wrote a long chappie!!! Bye!! 💞

The Phantom's Story (A story about the Phantom of The Opera)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon